Friday, December 30, 2016

I heard this song on the radio yesterday, I have no idea the name of it or even who sings it, but the chorus said, (& I dont even know exact words) "empty me & fill me w/ you, Jesus!" Well I've been sick & when I first heard "empty me" I thought, "I know I'm pretty empty...especially after last nite!!! There can't possibly be anything left in me!!" But then as I was listening & the "empty me & refill me" kept singing I was thinking of what I truly needed "emptying" of...fear--insecurity--selfishness--hatefulness--a bad attitude--or bad thoughts. These are just a few things that I should be emptied of. Why do I hang on to them? Some of these things are satans weapons that he uses against me. "Your not____" fill in the blank. Some of them are just things that I hang on to--for whatever reason, their familiar would probably be the biggest reason. So I thought as I was listening to this song, "I need to be emptied & then I need to not just be filled, but to be overflowing w/ Jesus!!!" That is my prayer!! "Overflow me w/ you!! Let my identity always be in You--let my focus be on Your will & not mine--let me lift my family up to You w/ great expectation of what Your going to do in their lives--& let my passion be You!! Always You!!!!" There are so many verses that God gives us on these things!! He speaks to us on them so that we are in Him--on His page!!! But my favorite verse has become Ezekiel 3:26- I will give you a new heart & put a new spirit w/ in you; I will remove your heart of stone & give you a heart of flesh. Did you catch the promise..."I will give you!!" God wants us to be after Him!! I want to be after Him. He wants to take the heart of stone..the un-responsive heart out & give us a heart of flesh!!! That might not seem that exciting but let me tell you what a heart of flesh consist of...a heart that's alive & tender, one that is beating & responsive again. Engaged again--able to believe w/ all that we have & more!!! Isn't that wonderful!!! I was so excited when I read that!!! So glad that I can be emptied of the other stuff so that I can be filled w/ this good stuff--great stuff!! So if you are feeling "full of yuck" & want to be emptied...ask Him. Go to Him & pray that He empties out this old stuff that isn't useful & puts in more of Him & gives you a "heart of flesh!!" Of course He will & how much better we will be & feel when He does!! I know I'm looking forward to it too!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Luke 1:37- For no word from God will ever fail....I love short verses w/ such big impacts. I think it's so great to know, & I'm sure I've said this before, that God never ever goes back on what He says!! People do that all the time. Whether they mean to or not, they let us down. Sometimes, w/ some people, I've even said (in my head), "I'll believe that when I see it!" And it's mostly b/c they've said something-promised something & they've not come through. It's disappointing at best, but God doesn't do that to us. What He says He means. What He says He's going to do, He will!! His word will not fail us!! We can count on Him--we can take His promises to heart & know they will happen, know that they're true!! I pray this gives you comfort. I pray that it makes your hope & your trust just grow stronger & stronger. That you can go through out your day w/ the godly confidence of who you are in Him--His child & of His great love for you!!! It seems like a good way to not only close out this year--but start the next!!! Makes you just want to say, "Aahhaa!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!"

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Luke 2:10&11- But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, The Lord." Merry Christmas to you all!!! Praying the great joy that was w/ the shepherds on that night will be w/ us today & all in the new year!!! Have a presence filled day :-))

Friday, December 23, 2016

Monte & I went out yesterday to finish up on the things we needed. It was a good day, but I will say...I'm so glad we're done. I even have everything wrapped & under the tree!!! Which is huge for me, I'm usually wrapping things on Christmas Eve lol. At midnight!!! Lol. So as I'm listening to the news (I've told you all about Montes love for the news right!?) & they're talking about the hustle & bustle & the last minute shopping & the stores that have extended hours, the on-line places that will "ship in 1 day, but it will cost extra" I'm thinking, "I hope that we all remember why we're doing this. I hope our hearts are full of love & joy & hope, b/c if it wasn't for God giving us the greatest gift--the gift of His Son--we wouldn't even be doing this!!" So here's a little prayer that we each can say, that will hopefully keep our minds on the true reason for this season!!! I love you all, am thankful for each of you!! And I pray your Christmas is filled w/ family, friends, & blessed by our Savior!!! "We're thankful for family & food, we're thankful for gifts & presents--but Father, we pray for the ultimate gift of Your presence!! Amen!! Isaiah 9:6- For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, & the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called (this is my favorite part :-)) Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I was thinking about the birth of Jesus yesterday. I was thinking about the shepherds. Imagine being one of them. Your in the field w/ the sheep, pretty much minding your business and all of a sudden.....Luke 2:9- An angel of The Lord appeared to them, & the glory of The Lord shone around them, & they were terrified. Oh my goodness I imagine they were. They were kinda the last people that got important information anyway & here, right now, they're the 1st!!! So the angel is saying, "don't be afraid. Here's what I'm here to tell you & it is GREAT news!!!" So they calm down, listen, & then say, "okay-let's go check this out!! Verse 16 says, "so they hurried off..." I bet they did. Starts out a normal, maybe even boring night, & then all this excitement--this great news. So they go to Bethlehem & sure enough, just as they were told, there they all are!!! Wow!!!! Amazing!! Now I will tell you I would be just like them, verse 17-"When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, (18) & all who heard it were amazed. I guess so. I bet some people even thought, "how or why did these shepherds get told before we did?" Then when I read verse 20-"The shepherds returned (I'm sure to the sheep) glorifying & praising God for all the things they had heard & seen, which were just as they were told!!" How exciting. I just picture them back to work, but they are different now. They've seen Jesus!! The Messiah!!! Our Savior!!! They are worshipping, heads back, arms raised, maybe even dancing, tears flowing, hearts touched-changed!!! Oh wow!! That makes me so excited!! I picture myself there w/ them, & the joy in my heart can't help but well up, overflow. I want to be like the shepherds. I want to go & tell people all of what God has done & continues to do. I want to do this not just this time of year, but always!!! God is good. His grace & mercy & love are flowing, ready & available for each of us. Let's be like the shepherds. Let's be reminded & go & tell & then let's worship & praise God for all that we have been told & seen & know. Most importantly, let's take that right w/ us waaay into the new year. I know we'll all be so glad we did. We'll be changed-a new & good different, b/c our hearts will have been touched by the hand of God. Oh man!! No better way to be!!!

Monday, December 19, 2016

I don't know about you, but this time of year can just get so crazy. And the older the kids get the crazier it seems. You've got so many different schedules that your trying to work around, that it just seems like nothing is working out. Then you've got presents....your trying to get everyone taken care of & it seems like there's always one that you just can't figure out what to buy them. So you start wrapping & oops everybody has 4 gifts....they have 1!!! It's hectic, it's crazy, this is not how it's supposed to be. These are the things that make people stress out. Well I'm not sure where I heard this or read it but in Psalm 136 God reminds us 26 times that "His love endures forever!!" So I looked that up & sure enough after every thing that is said it follows up w/ "His love endures forever!!" (v1,4,713,23-26) these are a few that stuck out to me, especially last 3... "He remembered us in our low estate--His love endures forever and freed us from our enemies--His love endures forever He gives food to every creature--His love endures forever Give thanks to the God of heaven--His love endures forever!!!" A week from today the hype will be over. Heck my tree will probably even be down lol. But the great thing is, Gods love for me--for us!!--is going to keep going on!! No matter if people like their gifts or not--Gods love is going to continue. No matter if we can all find a time to get together--Gods love is going to endure. Long after the mess is cleaned up--Gods love is going to be what lasts!! His love is what matters. His love is what sustains us!! So as we excitedly await for Christmas morning, let's all remember that God has already given us the greatest gift ever...the gift of His son & that His love truly endures forever!!!

Friday, December 16, 2016

I love the promises God gives us in His word!!! His promises are always true, something we can always count on--stand on!!! My favorite promise, is the promise of Him never leaving us. Have you ever felt alone? Like nobody cares, nobody understands? You're in the middle of a crowded room & just feel lonely. I'm sure at some point we all have, but the best thing to remember is--we never are alone!! God is w/ us through the good & the bad, the crazy days that turn into tired nights, He is present!!! How encouraging & comforting. What great hope we have in Him!! I'm going to leave you w/ a couple verses that I pray will give you that hope today. That you'll be offering up a praise today saying, "thank You for these promises!! thank You for You!!!" Have a fabulous Friday!! Matthew 28:20- "I am w/ you ALWAYS, to the end of the age." Ezekiel 33:14- "My presence will go w/ you, I will give you rest."

Thursday, December 15, 2016

1Thess 5:17- pray continually....such a little verse w/ such a powerful message. Praying is something we all need to do & we need to do it always. I saw, I think on fb, where it said, "7 days w/ out prayer makes one weak!" I love that, it's so true. Prayer keeps us connected, keeps us fueled, & is part of our victory through Jesus. So let's make sure we are doing this daily. Whether in the morning, or at night, whenever you can...."pray continually!!"

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

There is a Christmas song that, I just started hearing this year but apparently has been out before, it's called "How Many Kings," & it's by Down Here. But the chorus goes like this..."how many kings step down from their thrones--how many lords have abandoned their homes--how many greats have become the least for me--and how many gods have poured out their hearts, to romance a world that is torn all apart--how many fathers gave up their son for me....only One did that for me." That song gets me everytime I hear it. It brings tears to my eyes & it makes me think...there is no other King, lord, or god, but One that has done that for each & every one of us & it seems that Christmas & Easter are the only times we think about it--I mean really think about it. I'm just as guilty, I get caught up in everything that's going on & try to do all the "fun holiday stuff" that I forget--so many times. We need to remember this all through out the year, we need to be thankful for this great sacrifice all through out the year. And the verse that, every time I hear the song, comes to my mind is John 3:16- "For God so loved the world that he gave his one & only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life!!" That is what God did for us. The Creator of...EVERYTHING wants a relationship w/ each of us...He wants it so much that He sent His Son--His only Son to take upon all our sin. He took it & nailed it to the cross. He did that for us!!!! Let's remember that. When your feeling overwhelmed b/c nothing is working out or family isn't getting along or whatever has got you in a tailspin try & remember this. Remember this verse (ultimately) & remember this little chorus. Jesus took all that on, never said it was going to be a cake walk, but did say, "trust me-keep your hope in me, I've got you!!!" And know there's only One that's done ALL this for you and that's Jesus!!! Let's celebrate Him--as He so deserves!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I'm going to share w/ you something that Natalie told to me....last week she was trying to get her homework done & was getting upset b/c nothing was working out the way she had hoped it would. I'm not sure if it's b/c she procrastinated, she comes by that honestly, but either way, she was starting to freak out!!! So she thought, "I'm going to pray!!" Well in that time of prayer God led her to Luke 1:13- But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard..." She took that verse--Gods word--& made it hers, "Do not be afraid, Natalie; your prayer has been heard!!" Of course that was exactly what she needed to hear to be able to rest. She couldn't get anything else done on her homework, but she could put her faith into action & trust that God would provide what she needed & of course He did!!! She got to school the next day & found the resources she needed & got done what she needed too!! Then she said, "I thought about what we would say at church camp. The dean of the week would yell out 'God is good!' & the campers would yell back, 'All the time!!' & then he would say, 'All the time' we would yell, 'God is good!!'" How so true that all is. We get frustrated & discouraged & sometimes God is our last resort. We try to do things on our own. Let's make sure we go to Him 1st!! What a great example Natalie was to me & I pray she can be to all of us. Go to God, let Him speak His word, & then trust Him!!! Seems so simple & when we do it Gods sure can be!!!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Since I started taking this medicine, to feel better, I have felt dry!!! My lips, mouth, skin, nose, even the bottom of my feet are dry. I have Chapstick right by my chair & when my lips get that dry feeling I grab that stuff & just lather it on!! I get that, "AAAHHHH!" feeling & I'm pretty sure I even say, "AAAHHHH" because it brings such relief & I'm so glad to not have that dryness anymore. So as I was doing some lathering I thought that's exactly what God does for us. We get dry--for whatever reason. Maybe things aren't going well at home or work. Maybe there's sickness or we're worried about our kids, our finances. We get our feelings hurt, or we feel ignored, not appreciated. There are so many reasons that can cause spiritual dryness, but we don't have to walk around dry--looking for something, anything that will quench that thirst. God promises to quench our thirst, when we seek Him & lay it all out for Him, He pours it on us--He lathers our souls so that we're not walking around dry. How wonderful is that!! I love it--He gives me/us hope!! And that hope is available, it's steady & ready for all of us at anytime!! So if you think you might be feeling a little dry or if you know your right in the middle of a big old desert--go to Him today & let Him quench that thirst. So that as soon as He starts pouring Himself out you'll be able to throw your head back, lift your arms high & just say, "AAAHHHH!!!" Psalm 63:1,3&4- You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you: I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry & parched land where there is no water. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, & in your name I will lift up my hands.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Philippians 4:4-Rejoice in The Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!....this verse made me laugh. I know that doesn't sound very nice, but it did. I've been battling this sickness for about 2 weeks now. I have felt horrible. I went to the dr & they said I had bronchitis, gave me an antibiotic & cough medicine, said to rest & sent me on my way. I've only wanted to sleep & you all know the trouble I have w/ that!! So when God gave me that verse I just thought, "okay! I'll get to rejoicing in just a minute." But then I thought, "I really do have a lot to rejoice about!!" Yes I feel horrible & it seems there's no end in sight, throat is no longer sore--rejoice!! My glands are no longer swollen--rejoice!! I'm not coughing nearly as much as I was--rejoice! When I've needed to sleep, I've been able too--double rejoice!! So things are no where near perfect--God never said it would be, He did say, "hang on to Me b/c I've overcome ALL this!" (John 16;33-paraphrased w/ my words lol). So rejoicing is what I'm going to try & do. God gave me this verse as a reminder & instead of laughing at it I'm going to rejoice in it. Thankful that He speaks to me, that He reminds me of what I should do & what my attitude should be. So maybe you've got some stuff going on & your thinking that rejoicing isn't what's going to happen. Try & look at what is good, because no matter how bad it seems there is always something we can rejoice about, & as you do that--you'll be surprised at how much your whole outlook changes & that's what God wants for us, not to be walking around downcast, but to have rejoicing on our hearts, minds, & lips!! If nothing else...Hey! It's Friday!!!! Rejoice!!!!!! Love you all!!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

You know how sometimes you just don't hear anything good. I don't know if it's b/c I don't feel good, but we were watching the news yesterday & of course it's not good--even the weather is less than desirable. I'm scrolling through fb & it just seemed the same. I told Monte I was just gonna go back to bed & I came across this verse...Psalm 19:1- The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands...that just stopped me right there. God is good!! So good. Yes, things in this world are crazy, bad, & discouraging-but for us--those of us who are Christians--who love God, that's not it!! This is not the end, when it gets to be overwhelming God says, "wait a minute. Remember to look up, to see the work of my hands & know that I'm taking care of all things, taking care of you!!" I pray this gives you encouragement & most of all restores your hope!! I know that's just what it did for me.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jeremiah 33:14-16- "The days are coming,' declare The Lord,' when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel & Judah. In those days & at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David's line; he will do what is just & right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved & Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The Lord our Righteous Savior."....God said way back in the Old Testament that Jesus was coming. He told the signs to look for & He told how great it would be. And, of course, it happened just as He said!! Gods promises are true, they are constant, I think that's one of my favorite things about Gods word, in a world of busyness, of rushing, of just plain craziness, God is steady & constant. He doesn't change or "go w/ the flow" if He said it--then that's how it is!!! Steady & constant!!! So remember these things as you go through out your day. God sent His son to us-it's the best gift we could ever get and the best gift we could ever give to those around us...the knowledge of Him!!! Let's give that out today!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Since we're approaching the great birth of our Savior I thought I'd send some verses that get us ready for that day!!! I hope you all are able to read & just meditate on these for the next few weeks, putting yourself right there!! It's exciting. I pray you also get that same excitement that not only leads up to Christmas Day but goes way into the new year!!!! Have a great Monday. Isaiah 7:14- Therefore The Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive & give birth to a son, & will call him Immanuel. Okay side note for you: Immanuel means--God w/ us!! Is that not so exciting!!??!! God is w/ us--always-forever-never leaves us!!! What great & wonderful hope we have in Him. Let's rejoice in that hope & give it to all those around us. What a great way to live. Instead of spreading negativity--we're sharing our hope in our God. Now that is something worth giving & catching!!! :-))

Friday, December 2, 2016

I'm reading through Psalms. Just looking through & reading all these great verses, of how awesome our God is, of His great love for us, how He sustains us, watches over us, keeps us safe. He is amazing. Words cannot really say or explain just how truly great He is. I'm in awe. I read these words & I think, "Yes! God you are my good Shepherd! Your love is faithful, it endures forever!!" This is what I so need to hear. You know how you get something on your mind--well I'll just say this--one of my kids is not just on my mind, but heavy on my heart. I know that he's got to figure things out, I can't do it for him, although I want very bad do I want to!!! But just as God refines each of us, He is refining him also. He's taking the lump of coal & Hes so steadily working in him, to turn him into the diamond He desires for him to be. So I know this & I trust in this & as I read through these great verses I can see that God is doing what He needs to do. I am thankful. It's so weird, but I am thankful, thankful that I know God's got this, & worry doesn't need to be part of what I do, trust & faithfulness needs to be for front!! So for each of you I pray that no matter what you're going through or maybe someone close to you is going through, you'll find comfort in Gods word. You'll take refuge under His mighty wings, letting Him do what needs to be done, & then when this all over & we're on the other side, we will continue to rejoice for all that God has done. We will lift up our hands & offer praise to the One who sustains us!! How great & wonderful that is. I pray you find encouragement, as I have, through His words!!! Psalm 138:6-8- Though The Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly; though lofty; he sees them from afar. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; w/ your right hand you save me. The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

I love the verse that says "But Mary treasured up all these things & pondered them in her heart." (Luke 2:19) I feel like I can relate to Mary. 23 years ago today I became a mom for the 2nd time. This little baby boy came barreling into this world & hasn't stopped since. He couldn't be more opposite of Trevor if he tried. He's very social, he always has been, his mind is constantly on the move. I truly believe, had he struggled through school, they probably would've wanted him tested for ADHD & he probably would've passed that test w/ flying colors. I do believe he has one of the kindest hearts of any one around, his siblings might not always agree, lol. I remember 1 time when he was in the 6th grade & at a wrestling meet 1 of his teammates was going to wrestle a girl & he was beyond nervous. That is a lose-lose situation. So he's talking to Jake about it & Jake says, "let's go pray about it!!" So they did. They want beside the bleachers & Jake prayed for him. I didn't find out until the boys mom saw me out & was telling me all about it & how thankful she was for his kindness. Now I've had the opposite talks too, where Jake has had to be re-directed & have had teachers come down & say, "are you Jakes mom?" "No! No, I'm not her, but can get a message to her!" But even in those conversations, they usually had to do w/ his talking to much & trying to be funny, they would always say, "Jakes a good kid, but...." So today as I get to do just what Mary did & treasure these things, 23 years went waaay to fast, ponder them in my heart, I'm thankful for my little Jakey!! I'm thankful for the person he's becoming. I'm thankful that God is continuously working on him, molding him into who He wants him to be. I'm thankful that Jake knows he is a child of the King, even when he doesn't always walk in the way God has laid out for him, he comes back-he calms down & he listens. I'm glad to be his mom!! Thank you for letting me share these things that are on my heart today. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Today, I want to encourage you all to keep praying!! Whoever or whatever your praying for--keep doing it. If you feel like the answers aren't coming--keep praying, remembering that God is always listening, always doing what needs to be done in all situations & all people. It's important that we keep praying, keep, trusting that Gods plan--His will, will come about & in His timing!!! So here's a couple verses to remember & to keep close: 2Chronicles 15:7- But as for you, be strong & do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. 2Peter 3:9- The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient w/ you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. So those are just 2--there are so many & so much encouragement through out Gods word & I pray that you would take these 2 verses & keep them close to your heart & always on your mind & keep on praying!!! God hears you & He knows what needs to be done. Keep trusting!!! Love you all!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Psalm 98:1- Sing to The Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things....I'm reading this verse & yes He does great things ALL the time!! But it seems our thankfulness is only this time of year. I mean we probably give thanks, & we're thankful, but is thankfulness really part of our everyday life? For me, if I'm honest, it probably isn't. I whine b/c of many many different things. My heart & my mind are full of worry, especially for my kids. I'm constantly comparing myself to other people, that I forget all that God is doing in me. My heart & my mind are not full of thanks. I need to stop & not just this time of year, & I need to sing to The Lord a new song, I need to thank Him for all He has done & all He is doing, for all His deeds are marvelous. All His plans are good. So that's what I'm going to work on--when all the hustle & bustle of this time of year are over, & we're back into the nitty gritty of everyday life, I want to overflow w/ thankfulness to Him & for Him. Maybe if we all work on a heart full of thanks all the time & not just now, then the true meaning of this time of year, the birth of our Savior, will take on a whole new meaning!!!

Monday, November 28, 2016

I am so excited!!! I got this new book on prayer & I love it!! Prayer is important to me, & my appointment w/ prayer is my life line for the day. Now please don't think that I've got the corner market on this b/c I don't. There are mornings when, maybe I haven't slept well, & so I'm asking God for an extra hour of rest instead of just going to Him in prayer. But still, it's important. So in this book the author talks about 10 different ways in which the enemy does his best to attack us on, & she gives you 10 different strategies, ways to pray to counter those attacks. Well 1 of the things he tries to attack us on is against our confidence. He reminds us of our past mistakes, bad choices, & he's hoping to convince us that we are under Gods judgement rather than under His blood. As I was reading that I thought, "yes, he's done that to me." I've listened to the negative, accusing voice of, "Ha!! You really think God is going to use someone like YOU!? Someone who_____?" And if I'm not careful I start to believe that. I think, "oh yeah, I did do/say that." But it is so important that we--you & I, remember we don't have to listen to that voice. We are victorious, through Jesus, over any negativity or accusing voice, & here is an important verse, Gods word! His voice, that we can carry w/ us to remind us of His great love for us & our victory through Him. Revelation 12:10-...For the accuser of our brothers & sisters, who accuses them before our God day & night, has been hurled down!! (v11 too) They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb!!!! Oh my gosh, I read that & read that, & got so excited & cried, underlined it, wrote it down, thanked Him for the victory I--WE have in Him!!! I pray that this gives you not only excitement, but such great hope!! Our confidence might be something satan tries to use against us, but we don't have to listen!! We can get up, put our armor on, & go forth, knowing that we have triumphed over that negative & accusing voice through ALL that Jesus has done for us!!! What a great way to start our week out, w/ great confidence in the One who fills us daily!!! I pray your able to get some time w/ Him today & let His words ring & resonate so loud & clear in your ears today, that He is the only one you hear!! Have a great Monday :-))
I am so excited!!! I got this new book on prayer & I love it!! Prayer is important to me, & my appointment w/ prayer is my life line for the day. Now please don't think that I've got the corner market on this b/c I don't. There are mornings when, maybe I haven't slept well, & so I'm asking God for an extra hour of rest instead of just going to Him in prayer. But still, it's important. So in this book the author talks about 10 different ways in which the enemy does his best to attack us on, & she gives you 10 different strategies, ways to pray to counter those attacks. Well 1 of the things he tries to attack us on is against our confidence. He reminds us of our past mistakes, bad choices, & he's hoping to convince us that we are under Gods judgement rather than under His blood. As I was reading that I thought, "yes, he's done that to me." I've listened to the negative, accusing voice of, "Ha!! You really think God is going to use someone like YOU!? Someone who_____?" And if I'm not careful I start to believe that. I think, "oh yeah, I did do/say that." But it is so important that we--you & I, remember we don't have to listen to that voice. We are victorious, through Jesus, over any negativity or accusing voice, & here is an important verse, Gods word! His voice, that we can carry w/ us to remind us of His great love for us & our victory through Him. Revelation 12:10-...For the accuser of our brothers & sisters, who accuses them before our God day & night, has been hurled down!! (v11 too) They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb!!!! Oh my gosh, I read that & read that, & got so excited & cried, underlined it, wrote it down, thanked Him for the victory I--WE have in Him!!! I pray that this gives you not only excitement, but such great hope!! Our confidence might be something satan tries to use against us, but we don't have to listen!! We can get up, put our armor on, & go forth, knowing that we have triumphed over that negative & accusing voice through ALL that Jesus has done for us!!! What a great way to start our week out, w/ great confidence in the One who fills us daily!!! I pray your able to get some time w/ Him today & let His words ring & resonate so loud & clear in your ears today, that He is the only one you hear!! Have a great Monday :-))

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Sleep eludes me

I have been having the worst time sleeping lately. Well for close to a month now. At first I thought it was the time change, b/c that's about the time it started, but by now I would think that would be better. It's not!! Every nite/ morning at 3:00 am I wake up. After the 1st week I thought maybe my hormones, that's been another issue for me lately lol. Then, the longer it's gone on, I've thought maybe I need to be praying for someone. So I've been going through my prayer journal & praying. Last nite though, as once again I'm up, I just said "Father, I'm tired! I just want to sleep! I pray every morning, why would You wake me up in the middle of the nite to pray again, for I don't even know who or what for??" He gave me these verses...Eph 6:10,13&14- Finally, be strong in The Lord & in his mighty power...& after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm..."which, yes I know that, I get that! But I'm ssoo tired! And You know what happens when people get physically tired, mental & emotional start to go out the window too!! I'm still not sure I understand!?" Then He just kinda wrapped it all up w/ this verse....Philippians 4:19- And my God will meet all your needs....well what do I possibly say to that? Nothing, I just started praying through my journal. At some point I went to sleep b/c my alarm woke me up. And as I was going through my morning routine I thought, "thank You God! Thank You that You do know what I need. You know how to give it to me. I need to trust. I need to let my faith do the walking & the talking!" So that's what I'm trying to do. I'm sure I'll still whine here & there, but I know when I do God will gently guide me back to where He wants me to be. So I pray this helps you all also. Maybe it's not sleep or lack of your dealing with, maybe your worried about the holidays, or a job situation, or your kids!! They have a way of yanking the wind right out of your sail lol. But remember...keep standing--keep praying--keep trusting--& always know that God will take care of all that's going on!!!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Have you ever just had something on your mind/heart & you pray & you pray & you pray, & then you just say, "God, I don't know what to say anymore? I don't know how to pray this any different. I don't have any other words I can use!" That's kinda where I am right now. It's not that I think God isn't listening, I know He is. I also know that God is refining & doing what He needs to in this particular situation. So when I went to Him last nite I just said, "God, I don't know!? I'm at a loss!" And here is what He gave back to me....Romans 8:26- In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless even in our times of just knowing that we need to pray for a person or situation, but not feeling like we have the words, the Holy Spirit speaks for us! We cry out & we're heard. That is so encouraging to me--so full of hope!! I pray that it is for you also. That you'll know even when the words aren't flowing God still hears your prayers!! And I also want to ask you to just lift up my request. I can't give out details right now, but just know that I appreciate you lifting my family up!!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

This is a long one everybody!! Sorry, so much to say lol!! I know some of you know the story on my license, but some of you don't, so I thought I'd share w/ you the wonderful story of Gods amazing grace on getting my license. I, in all honesty, thought my license expired 11/28/16, this year!! 2016!!! So I had no reason to check it, no reason to be nervous if they checked my license. Well we were on vacation in Gatlinburg, early October, & it was pointed out to me that it was expired, by almost a year!!! It had expired 11/28/15!!!! Oh my goodness I was shocked, I couldn't believe it!! So, okay I have to get it re-newed when I get home. Well our license branch is only open Mon-Wed-Fri, everytime I would think about it, it was Tues or Thurs. So now it's November & Natalie & I are getting ready to go visit my aunt in Chicago. We are renting a car....well as soon as I get that license taken care of!!! On Thurs Monte said, "you've GOT to go tomorrow & take care of that!! "Oh gosh!!! YES I do!!" So I'm nervous, the ladies at the BMV are not the nicest ladies. Everyone keeps saying, "oh no big deal, you'll just pay a fine, no problem!! Well, if your license is over 6 months expired you have to take the written test!! OH MY GOSH!! I take it--I fail!! This is Friday, we are leaving Sunday!!! What am I going to do??? She says you can take it tomorrow in Lawrenceburg. Okay, I grab a book, call Monte (crying!!) & start studying & praying, & studying & praying & get the idea!!! I read that book twice, I took the practice test in the back, I took 2 practice tests on line, I'm still praying, praying, praying!! I get up on Saturday, get dressed, the only thing I did was brush my teeth. I didn't shower, didn't put make up on, didn't even brush my hair. I'm still praying!!! So I'm on my way to Lawrenceburg & still praying, my stomach in nots & my head aching & I finally just said, "Lord, you see this situation! You know what needs to be done & I'm trusting in you to do just that. I've done all I can & I'm just trusting that you will give me the info that I need & this will all be good for me & glory for you!!" So I get there, get the computer in the corner & start taking my 50 question test. Some guy came in to take a test & he was one computer away from me. I get to my last question, answer it, hit next & it says, "Congratulations!! You have Passed!!" I leaned back in my chair, I was sitting on the very edge, & put both hands in the air & said, "YES!!! Thank You Jesus!!!" I didn't yell it-it was half way between whisper & voice. But the guy heard me & of course looked at me. I said, "you have no idea how badly I needed to pass this test!!" He just gave me that, "okay crazy pants!!" kind of look--I didn't care--I was so excited, so glad, so very very full of thanks!! I know that I didn't take that test alone, I know, w/ out a doubt, that each answer was God given!! I got my picture done & didn't even care I had no make up on, I was a little taken back that it seemed I hadn't even brushed my hair, but in all reality, I didn't care!!! I was a legal licensed driver, by Gods amazing grace!!! I got in my car & told Him, "I can't stop thanking You!!" I texted Monte, my mom & friends, called one of my friends, I was so so happy & so so full of thanks!!! God was gracious to me, He gave me wisdom & confidence when they were both at their lowest. He is good to me--to us--all the time. So let's remember, not just this time of year, but always, this verse...Isaiah 30:18- The Lord waits to be gracious to you, & therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you...and let's always give thanks to Him for His great grace & mercy, & His consistency in our lives always!! He takes care of us in ways that can only be explained as Him!!! This just makes my heart smile!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I've been having trouble sleeping. I've been waking up at 3:00 am everyday, consistently for over a week. I thought maybe it's the time change, I did not gain an hour like they say you do. Then I thought maybe it's this shot I got to help w/ some female stuff going on. Maybe I'm drinking coffee to late, it's never bothered me before but as my family likes to point out, I'm getting older & my body is changing! Why thank you everybody!! Lol. Whatever the reason sleep is not consistent. So last nite I'm sleeping & I'm sleeping good until all the sudden Ringo decides he needs to find me. He does that when he wants to lay by me or if he needs to go out. He takes his nose & nudges me. My arms, my legs, my face, wherever he can--he does. Last nite, no different. So I say, "do you have to go out?" We go to the door, I open it, he looks at it, turns & goes & lays down by the couch. Okay he just wants to be near me--how nice (that is sarcastic!) I look at the time..4:00, well I got an extra hour but I'm thinking, "could you not have waited 1 more hour & then I would've been up--for the day!!" So I'm whining, "Lord, PLEEEEASE let me go back to sleep--just for this last hour!!!!" I'm fussing in my prayer, telling God how tired I've been--how tired I am & I just want to sleep!! Then He gives me this verse...Philippians 4:19- And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. God knows exactly what I need!! He knows exactly how to provide what I need. So I need to trust & know that God will make sure I get the rest I need. Maybe it means I stay home & not over commit myself. Or I just read & meditate on His word. However, He will bring me to the place of resting, reviving, renewing, & peace!! He will do the same for you. Maybe it's not sleep your feeling deprived of, it might be time, or w/ the holidays coming up your feeling anxious, whatever it is remember that God knows what you need to get through each day & He will always provide you w/ it!!!! Go to Him (maybe not in the whiney voice I used lol) & let Him comfort you & remind you of His word. You'll always be so glad you did!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I'm reading Proverbs 31 & I'm thinking about this woman. I'm thinking that if it was about me there would be other verses in there. Like, "she falls asleep at a decent hour but wakes at 3:00 am w/ hot flashes & headaches," "she cleans her house & puts things away, & can't remember where she has put the stuff!" There are other things that would be in there, but some stuff you just don't want to read about this early in the morning. My dr says, "it's all part of growing older. It's a process & your going through it!" Okay, well I'm not really enjoying this part, but I'm trying to remember that, "this to shall pass!" It's (certainly) not going to be like this forever. One of my favorite verses from that chapter is 25- "She is clothed w/ strength & dignity; she can laugh at the days to come," I know that Gods strength is something I put on each day, b/c, believe me, there is no way I could do this w/ out His strength!! Laughing comes very easy for me, and I'm not above laughing at myself, so yes! laughing at the days to come, I can also do that. And so as I try to go into this season of my life gracefully, I'm thankful for Gods word. I'm thankful for my family, not all the time, Monte thinks he's funny...he's not!! But I'm thankful that even in all my craziness they seem to love their momma, & trust me when I say..Monte is patient!! I'm thankful for my friends that God has so gently placed in my life to encourage me & to re-direct me when I need it. So yes, we all go through crazy times, times we think we're never gonna get through, but we do, we do b/c God is good & He loves us!! He gives us great reminders all through out His word & He tells us in Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through him who gives me strength!!! So take that verse & hold it close & know that no matter what's going on, what your going through, Gods grace & His strength will get you through!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Reading through Psalms & came across this little chapter. I thought I would share it, such a great chapter to have on your mind & in your heart, all the time but especially this Thanksgiving season!! Hope you all like it too!! Psalm 100:1-5- Shout for joy to The Lord, all the earth Worship The Lord w/ gladness; come before him w/ joyful songs. Know that The Lord is God. It is he who made us, & we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates w/ thanksgiving & his courts w/ praise; give thanks to him & praise his name. For The Lord is good & his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Psalm 62:8- Trust in him at all times, o people, pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us....what a great verse to know & remember, especially as we celebrate Veterans Day & get through the aftermath of this election. We are not alone-God is w/ us & He is in control!! We are not helpless!! Remember, when your feeling like, "I don't know what I can do to make a difference!?" Pray!! We can pray!! The prayers we offer are always heard!! Our God is and will always be a refuge for us!!! Hope you all have a fabulous Friday & Happy Veterans Day!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's always fun to go away. Sometimes you need a break from the nitty gritty of the craziness & just relax. Go to bed late, wake up late, eat a little carelessly, just kinda let your guard down. Which is what I did lol, but as we were coming home & signs & sites & cities & roads started looking & sounding familiar, I was so glad!! I kept thinking, "not to much longer now!!!" Then we got here & I was just like....."aaahhh!!! home!!" My precious Ringo was so excited to see me, the other dogs too, but he was bouncing all around & giving a howl here & there. When I walked in I heard Monte's familiar greeting: "Misssss!!!! What's uuuupp!!" Matt: "Hey Mom!!! Did you have fun? Oh...are you cooking supper? If not that's okay, I'll just go to town. I'm trying to plan my night out!" Oh Matthew!!! But it's good to be home. And I think that's how it will be when we get to heaven...only a million times better. Being in the presence of our King!! Doing nothing but praising Him all day!! No worries-no cares. It's like a huge...."AAAAHHHHH!! IM HOME!!!" So it's good here & of course we should always do our best to be Christ-like, to shine His light in this dark world, but when we truly get home, it'll be like a huge party going on!!! And how exciting that will be!!! Paul new exactly what he was talking about when he said: Philippians 1:21- For me, to live is Christ & to die is gain. Bonus either way!! So while we're here let's continue to be Christ-like. Let's remember all these wonderful people & things that we have here to enjoy are gifts to us from our Father, James 1:17- Every good & perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights...and let's also know, there is so much more that God has waiting for us!! I pray this brings you hope & joy, & you can go through out your day w/ just that--right w/ you...Gods hope & joy!!!! There's no better way to be or outlook to have, than that of our Creator!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Natalie & I got back from Chicago yesterday afternoon. We had a great trip. Went & saw some of the tourist things that you look at when your in Chicago, went & saw Wrigley field, where the sign said, "Home of the World Champion Chicago Cubs," & even watched a scene from Chicago Fire being taped. It was all very cool, but I think the coolest thing for me was seeing this amazing love story unfold before my eyes. My grandpa, whom I never met, my dad didn't even meet him. He was an airborne trooper in WW2, & he died in combat. He died a war hero, but to read the letters between him & my Grandma, it was obvious he was her hero, & not for anything he did, simply b/c he loved her & she loved him!! His letters were detailed, all that he was doing, who was with him, it was everyday stuff, probably if someone texted you that you'd be like, "okay! I don't really wanna know that Slip got sick & is in his bunk all day!" But these letters were their connection. I'm sure her letters back were the same. It was all so very sweet. He was stationed in Alaska for a little while & he would send her the local news. She saved it!! Every little piece of paper, every letter, every postcard, she saved. I pictured her reading them over & over & carefully putting them in this wonderful scrapbook. It was so emotional & then we get to the last letter, not from him...."we regret to inform you that..."my heart broke for my grandma. Then it was sympathy cards & letters not only consoling her but my dad also, who was only 10months old. I know each time I've thought of that scrapbook & those letters, I have fought back tears. Even now typing this my eyes are full. That was such a different time, a different era. Letters were filled w/, "my darling," "my love," "my sweat heart," his letters were signed, "forever yours!" It made me rethink how I talk, especially to Monte. Now I know we're going to get back in the swing of things & he, no doubt will get on my nerves, I honestly think he likes to do that, aggravate the point of my sanity being in question, but I want to always have that kind of love in my heart for him. It was pure, innocent, & good. The verse that came to my mind was Proverbs 5:18- "May your fountain be blessed, & may you rejoice in the wife of your youth." I've prayed that before, "help us to love each other, to remember when & why You've brought us together & brought us this far!" I want to make sure that we leave a legacy of love for our kids & grandkids, & great grandkids, & so on...just like they did. How wonderful, what a great thing to strive for!!! I brought back many great treasures from my grandmas house, but the greatest is the sweet, sweet memories they left for me!!!!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Yesterday I sat here w/ this phone in my hand for almost an hour trying to figure out what to type. My mind was blank. I couldn't figure out what I was thankful for. Well that's not right, I had a lot of things I was thankful for I just couldn't get the words from my head to my phone. So I finally thought, "forget it!" Then I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up & I'm scrolling through fb & my memory from 5yrs ago (on yesterday's exact date) was that I was thankful for being a mom!! I thought, "well of course!! I'm very thankful for this privilege!" Even though it's not always easy & not necessarily always fun, but it is truly what brings me joy. Even as they are older & I have no little ones that I'm chasing all around, I'm thankful for the transition of them depending on me for everything, to them becoming their own godly, productive adults. Not that they don't still depend on me but there is certainly a difference in what they are seeking me out for. Now of course there are moments when my heart aches for the times when we were all under one roof, & everybody was home every night, but I know this is how it's supposed to go & I'm thankful. There really is no other way to put it, but my heart is full of thanks, thankful for wonderful memories of my little babies, & so thankful for such great hope for their future!! Luke 2:19- But Mary treasured up all these things & pondered them in her heart.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

So it's November already. When your in the middle of summer, the holidays always seem so far away, but here we are. I love thanksgiving. I love that the only thing you really have to think about is food. And I love that thankfulness seems to be on people's minds. I can usually get on Facebook & there will atleast be 3 or 4 post on what people are thankful for. So I thought I would do that, I thought I would share some of the things I'm thankful for. If you want to do that too, please, share away!!! So today I'm thankful for...the way God provides. Of course in the way He provides for us w/ our jobs, but even more than that. When I get a goodnights sleep, I'm thankful!! God knows the rest I need & He knows how to calm my mind so I can get that. When I think of the way He provides I think of His name Jehovah Jireh--God provides. Fills my heart w/ thankfulness. Philippians 4:19- and my God will provide for all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus. Just one of the many things that brings my heart to a place of thankfulness!!! I can't wait to hear yours!! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A friend of mine & I were talking about rejection & I thought I'm sure it's something we all deal with or have delt with. So I thought I'd pass this along to you all!!...Ok--rejection. Obviously never fun at any age. I think it brings out the jr high girl in all of us, no matter our age!!! So I've been thinking, "how do I handle rejection?" I wish my answer was..."I ALWAYS go to God & let Him heal that hurt & take away that pain." The sad thing is...that is not the 1st thing I do. I pout-I feel sorry for myself & sometimes I try & find someone who will take my side & understand where I'm coming from. But I will tell you, as I'm sure you already know, that the best way to handle it, is to go to God!!! Read His word!! Before they finally realized that David was who God wanted for king, he was the last brother Samuel was looking at & finally he was like, "don't you have any other sons!?" And Jesse was like, "Oh! Well there is the youngest one, David, he's out w/ the sheep!" You know that story...they bring David in and....."aaahhhh YES!! It's him." 1Samuel 16:7- But The Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but The Lord looks at the heart." So what I think is important & what I truly try to do is just pray!!! I ask God, "your seeing the hearts of all involved, mine included, so please change what needs to be changed so that ALL are following You. If there are wrong motives...change them!! If I'm being a baby (shock!!! It happens!) change me!!!" Pray it over & over & always remember that--even if man has rejected you, You are hand picked by God!! Chosen by the Creator of the universe to do His great will. So don't get discouraged or downcast--know that God will bring about what He needs to in His time, it's up to us to wait, trust, & know that His will, will be done!! I hope this helps/encourage you today!! I love you & am praying!!!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Are you content ?

A question was asked yesterday, just kind of in general, but I couldn't stop thinking about it: "Are you content? Or are you always wanting more...bigger house, car, etc...?" I thought, "yes! I'm pretty content." Wanting more & more has never really been a thing for me, not that I have the corner market on being content, but it's not something I struggle with. So I'm thinking, "yes I'm content." Then I was thinking that I might be content physically but maybe wasn't content with where I am spiritually. I want more of Him!! I don't just want to be filled, I want to be overflowing. I want my kids to want more of Him, to not just be satisfied w/ where they are, but to seek Him continuously. I want, at the end of the day for God to say to me, "well done my good & faithful servant." (Matthew 25:21&23). So that's up to me. I've got to do my part & seek Him always. I need to pray & trust & believe. I've got to not just listen to what God is saying, but to do it!! Even if it means getting out of my comfort zone. Being content is good. Paul writes about it in Philippians 4:11-13- I am not saying this b/c I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, & I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any & every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength." But I think it's good also to always want more of Him. To never just be okay w/ lukewarm. Let's get on fire for Him!!! I'm going to leave you w/ this chorus from Jeremy Camp that has turned into one of my prayers!! I hope you have a marvelous Monday!! "Holy Fire burn away--my desire for anything--that is not of You, but is of me---I want more of You & less of me!!"

Friday, October 28, 2016


Psalm 94:19- When anxiety was great w/ in me, your consolation brought me joy....Do you ever feel anxious about anything? You know that feeling, your heart is beating fast, your stomach is all twisted up, your sweating & pacing, your mind is going in all directions, you can't breathe!!! Ugh!! Just typing that makes me anxious, probably b/c I know that feeling all to well!!! I think, at one time or another, we've all felt that way. But isn't it great that God can take those feelings, calm us down, & restore our joy. He doesn't want us feeling those things, they're not from Him! That's not the kind of spirit He gives us. He calms us & sustains us!! He brings peace & comfort. So when your feeling those anxious thoughts & pressure is building up, remember to go to Him & let Him calm you & restore your joy. He is waiting & ready & will do exactly what needs to be done in & for you!! Don't let anxiety be what rules your thoughts & heart, make sure it's the One who created you & made you in His image!!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Ringo loves to do "sneak" attacks on Lambeau. He gets him in his sight, crouches really low, & very quietly stalks up on him. The only problem w/ his attack....Lambeau is staring right at him!! He watches his every move as he's "sneaking" up. So when Ringo pounces, Lambeau is well ready. Well God tells us in 1Peter 5:8- "Be alert & of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." He gives us warning that satan would like nothing better than to trip us up. But we can also be ready. God also tells us exactly what to do..(v9) "resist him, stand firm in the faith". He reminds us that we're not alone in this. In v10 He says, "and the God of all grace..will himself restore you & make you strong, firm, & steadfast!!!" Isn't that wonderful!!! how reassuring & most of all hopeful. We go through this yuck stuff, this crazy world stuff, but we're not alone, & as we're going through it & we get to the other side, God is working in us & on us so that we are strong in Him. I hope this gives you comfort if you are in the middle of something or if your just feeling like your constantly under attack, God gives us instruction & His strength is always in us. So just as He also tells us in Eph 6, "to stand your ground & when we've done all we can do to stand...stand firm." Make sure you keep your eyes open, your mind alert, & keep standing firm!! We will get through!! Praise God--we will!!!
Job 8:21- He will yet fill your mouth w/ laughter & your lips w/ shouts of joy....this verse is in the book of Job & if you know Job's story, joy doesn't seem like what would be flowing from him. He lost EVERYTHING, children, property, possessions, his wife did not have the same joy that Job did, she told him to curse God & die!! (Job 2:9) His friends weren't much help either, they kept asking him what he did wrong to cause all this disaster. But Job didn't waiver, He loved God. He knew that God was going to take care of him, just like He always had. He even said, "The Lord gives & The Lord takes away, blessed be the name of The Lord!!" (1:21). Now that's not to say that he wasn't sad or unhappy about all that was going on, but he was still full of Gods joy, full of hope that comes from a relationship w/ our Savior. And God did take care of Job. He was blessed far beyond anything that I'm sure he could comprehend. Again, God is good & faithful & always takes care of us, His kids. I wish I had that same joy in me all the time. I try too, but I don't always. I get consumed w/ doubts & negativity. Sometimes I'm looking at all the gray clouds & I'm not remembering that God is so much bigger than my situation. I'm thankful for this reminder in Job that "God fills me w/ laughter & joy!!" I need to get away w/ Him & let Him remind me, let Him fill me. If your feeling a little less than joyful & you want laughter & joy despite your circumstances, remember where that comes from...God!! He's the one who does that for us. Go to Him, seek Him & let Him remind you, "that through Him---you can do all things!!" And He will bring you to a place of--no matter what's going on--pure & complete joy in Him!!! That is the best kind of joy to have. That is beyond just "happy," that is complete joy in Him!!! I hope this encourages you today & you can have laughter in your mouth & joy on your lips & not just today but always!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Have you ever thought about all the "names" you have? Like, for me it would be...Missi, Miss, Melissa, Mom, Mamma McCoy, Sheniqua (that one I'll have to explain @ a different time lol). These are the names I'm called & they all mean different things. I was talking to a friend of mine about the bible study she's doing, the different names of God. I've done a study like that before & it is the coolest ever. You see all these names that God is called, mostly in the Old Testament, & the meanings behind it. So one of my favorites, I have a lot of "favorites", is Yahweh Rophe - The Lord who heals" -- Exodus 15:26- "I am Jehovah who heals you"....I love that for so many reasons. We think of healing mostly when there's sickness, but healing can go far beyond physical healing. Sometimes I need healing, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, & God is so faithful to mend me--to heal me--to restore me!! He heals us, both in body & soul. Oh my goodness, that just makes me be able to take a long breath in & then just slowly exhale it all out!! Knowing & trusting that God is my Yahweh Rophe--whatever kind of healing it is that I need, He knows how to heal me--He knows how to heal you!! Whatever it is you may need, whatever kind of healing your seeking, go to Him expecting that He will do in you exactly what needs to be done. I pray this brings great comfort & joy to you just like it does me!! I pray you'll go to Him & seek His healing & you'll go forth w/ the godly confidence you need to sustain you through out your day. What a great way for each of us to be...fully healed, by the Great Healer!!! I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday!! :-))

Monday, October 24, 2016


Montes got the news on, like he normally does, & of course there's presidential commercials just about every break that's taken. There's presidential stories that they are reporting on. Then I heard one of the news reporters say that there was 15 days until the election. Seems like it's come up fast, yet has taken forever. Now I'm not a very political person. I know what qualities I think the person should have, I know what beliefs I would like to not only hear them talk about, but actually see them live out. I'm not writing this to sway you one way or another. I'm writing this to encourage you to pray for the election. Pray for our local leaders & of course pray for the person in charge of our nation. It's so important that we lift it ALL up & pray Gods wisdom, guidance, & direction. So that is what I want to encourage each of us to do. We've got 15 days before it all changes, let's make sure we are all doing our praying part!!! 1Timothy 2:1&2- I urge, then, first of all, that petetions, prayers, intercession & thanksgiving be made for all people---for kings & all those in authority, that we may live peaceful & quiet lives in all godliness & holiness.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Just a verse to remind you of how amazing our God is. A verse of reassurance that no matter what we bring to Him, He can handle it. He will offer His grace & surround us w/ His mercy. He's amazing, this verse helps remind of us that!! I hope you have a fabulous Friday & a peace filled weekend!!! Jeremiah 32:17- "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens & the earth by your great power & outstretched arm. Nothing is to hard for you."

Thursday, October 20, 2016

I love when I read verses that remind me of Gods presence. Where He's just saying or rather promising that He's not going anywhere!! For me it's so very reassuring, especially in this crazy world where nothing stays the same & people don't always keep their promises or follow through w/ what they say. These next couple verses just calm my anxiousness & still my soul!! I pray they will do the same for you & you will find peace as you read about God's promise to be present w/ us, His children!! Isaiah 43:2&3- When you pass through the waters, I will be w/ you; & when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior...

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Old friends

I ran into an old friend yesterday & we started talking about being refreshed & how sometimes we get so spiritually dry b/c we're running after so many things that take up so much time & we're not taking time to be w/ God, to let Him be the one that fills us up, revives & refreshes us. I started thinking about why my schedule, at times, gets so overloaded. Sometimes it's just b/c I don't want to miss out on what's going on. Other times I'm afraid I won't measure up. People ask me to do things & I don't want anyone mad so I put something else on my calendar. And if I'm totally honest...I'm a procrastinator!! I put things off & then the deadline is here & I'm frantic!! I'm sure we could ask each of us & we all could give a reason of why we are so busy. Then I'm going through some old papers & I find this little paragraph that seemed to fit right in w/ this... Jesus lived at an unrushed pace. He definitely had a lot going on, people all around Him all the time, & this is what God said about Him--Matthew 3:17- This is my Son, whom I love; w/ him I am well pleased....So okay, I want my life to look more like Gods best for me & less like what the world is saying it should. Gods best for me requires time for connection w/ Him. Gods best for me means being real w/ the people that He's placed in my life. Loving them genuinely & loving my life the same way. His best means not empty filling, but looking for His assignments & saying YES to Him. I want God to say, "You are my daughter, whom I love; w/ you I am well pleased." I want it to be "well pleased" b/c of who I am--not b/c of what I do. Well pleased b/c of an unfathomable, unconditional love--not earned but simply given, & given by someone who is absolutely, head-over-heals, crazy for me/you!! & I'll leave you w/ this little statement that hopefully will give you something to think about the next time your asked to do something or you just think you need something to do. "The 2 most powerful words are yes & no. How we use them determines how we set our our lives....spend our soul!!! Let's make sure we're doing it Gods way and not ours!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


In our house, one of the things we love to do is go to the Goodwill Store. Every single one of us get a little excited when we go "pop some tags!!" When Jake goes you can bet his purchases are going to be slightly to the left of everyone else. I remember one time when he came home w/ his goodies & he was so excited. He couldn't wait to show me what he bought. He said, "Mom! Look at this!!" He pulls out of his bag a Tide racing jacket. It's really LOUD. Navy, red, & orange are the colors, w/ Tide racing patches on the sleeve & the chest. On the back--TIDE--in big letters across the back. So what do I say, I see his absolute excitement, I'm his mom & I want to share in the enthusiasm, but I'm just not sure. So of course I fake it..."Oh wow Jake, that's really nice." Then of course I had to get real w/ him, " much did you pay for it?" (Please tell me it wasn't more than $5!!) it was only 2.50$!! Whew!! "Are you going to wear it?" "OF COURSE!!!" He had all kinds of ways & places he was going to wear it & he did!! He wore that Tide jacket, until his obsession w/ Hawaiian print shirts came into play. Natalie & her friends are very thankful for that, b/c everytime it's Hawaiian day at school or the games, there's a call to Jake about borrowing shirts & then a parade of girls going downstairs to find the perfect shirt. So Jake has always "clothed" himself w/ different attire, Trev shook his head many times when Jake would get dressed for school. My grandma would say, "oh honey are you sure you want to wear that!?" "Yep!" Telling Jake what to wear has not always gone the way a lot of people would've hoped, & really it probably doesn't matter to much. The most important things we need to make sure we're putting on each day are found right in Gods word!!! Colossians 3:12- Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy & dearly loved, CLOTHE yourselves w/ compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness & patience. These are the things that are important to put on each day. To make sure we're "dressed" the way God asks us to be each day. So know matter what you wear as you go out--a suit, a uniform, scrubs, or maybe a bright blue sweatshirt w/ a yellow PNC emblem (yes, another purchase of Jake!), no matter what--make sure you know this verse & are clothed in this holy way!!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Matthew 28:19

A couple weeks ago God reminded me of these verses, Matthew 28:19&20- "Therefore go & make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit, & teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am w/ you always, to the very end of the age," I thought about them over & over & wondered, "why have you shown me these verses again? Am I supposed to 'Go' somewhere?" I never really got any kind of answer, so to speak, so I just kind of tucked them away. Then we went to Gatlinburg, all of us. It was so much fun. We went on the Sky Lift & on the way up Kynlee rode w/ her mom & Trev, but on the way back down she rode w/ me. So as we're coming down I'm a little nervous, I don't want any sudden moves, I don't want anything to happen to her, it seemed like it was a million miles down. So we are mid ride & they stop it, we are at a stand still & of course she said, "why did we stop?" I had all these reasons running through my head, but definitely couldn't share them w/ her, so we are looking at this amazing view. It is absolutely gorgeous!! I said to her, "aren't the mountains so beautiful?" She said, "yes they are." I said, "you know God made those just for us!? He wanted us to see how beautiful what He makes is!" She said, "He did!? He made those for us! That is nice, where does He live?" I said, "He lives right w/ our hearts!!" She just kind of thought a minute, the ride started again & we started talking about something else. I didn't think about our talk until we got back to our cabin & those verses that I had tucked away came right back front & center & I had an "aha!" moment!! God isn't necessarily calling me to "go" far, He's asking me to get up-out of my comfort zone, & tell each person about Him. Of course there are people that He calls to be missionaries, to go to foreign places & do exactly what these verses say, but He also calls each of us to do the same w/ in our families, our work places, our communities. Somebody talked to us whether it was parents or somebody you knew, they took time to make sure you knew/know about God & all His greatness, love, & power, let's make sure we are doing our part & taking each opportunity to "Go & Make & Share!" Remembering it's not some casual thing God is asking, it's His Great Commission that He wants us to do!! And remember doesn't matter how young or old we may be or the people He puts in our lives, we've just got to tell!! Let's make sure we do that today!!!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Psalm 46

Psalm 46:1&2a- God is our refuge & strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear...I hope these verses bring encouragement to you, I know they do to me. This crazy world is filled w/ scary things, just watching the news makes you not want to go out anywhere. But God is present!! He is always w/ us & He takes care of us...strengthening us, giving us hope. Helping us to have the courage to go forth--to do what He's asking us to do. So remember, no matter what is going on, God is here & He knows exactly what you need & exactly what to do, to bring you through w/ praise on your lips & continuous joy in your heart!! Trust Him, keep your hope in Him, and let the end of the work week be more than just, "glad it's over," but rather hopeful for what's ahead!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

I opened my bible to start reading & this was the verse that my eyes fell on!!! Jeremiah 32:17- "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens & the earth by your great power & outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you!!! Isn't that the greatest thought, verse, words, hope to have in your head & heart as you go through out your day!!?? Nothing, one more time, NOTHING is too hard for God!! No matter what your facing, no matter the struggles that are in front of you, God is bigger & greater & mightier. He's got this!! Go to Him!! Give it to Him!! And know & trust that whatever it is--it is not to hard for God. That is our great hope my friends!! God will get us through!! I pray this verse gives you the encouragement that it did me, & that instead of fear or discouragement, you will have hope & freedom!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


In the past 2 weeks I had 3 people, who are very dear to me, ask me to pray for them. These 3 people have laid so heavily on my heart, b/c when they asked there was such urgency in their asking. You could hear it in their voices & see it in their eyes. They wanted, needed their situation to be different. They knew the only way, was that God would intervene & change what needed to be changed. So of course I said I would pray, & I have!! I have prayed for them, their situation, & mostly that God would speak to them & reveal to them what they needed to hear & have from Him. So as I'm praying my heart is heavy, partly because I know the importance of these requests for each of them, then, just as if God was sitting right there on the porch w/ me, He reminded me of these verses. He spoke to me & reminded me of His love for these 3. He reminded me of the hope that's found in Him, of the plans He has for them. How sometimes we go through difficult times, but that if we are doing it through & w/ Him, these times can refine us, turn the lump of coal into a beautiful diamond!! How encouraging! How wonderful our God is. What great hope there is in Him. I'm so glad for these verses & the encouragement they gave to me. I pray they give you encouragement also. If you're praying about something for yourself or for someone else, always remember--God is here. He is available & He is taking care of us all!! Psalm 121:1&2- I lift my eyes to the mountains--where does my help come from? My help comes from The Lord; the Maker of heaven & earth. Psalm 121:3- He will not let your foot slip--he who watches over you will not slumber. Psalm 121:5a- The Lord watches over you...

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Isaiah 54:10

Isaiah 54:10- "Though the mountains be shaken & the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed," says The Lord, who has compassion on matter what's going on right now, in this very moment of your life, & it could be that nothing right now is, Gods love for you is strong, steady, & never goes wrong--never leads you to a place you don't need to be!! I am finding such comfort & peace in that, & I hope you all do too!!! He gets us, understands us & in the midst of all our craziness...He has compassion on us & for us!! This totally just makes me say, "aaahhhh!!! Thank You Jesus!!!" Praying it does you too :-))

Friday, October 7, 2016

Acts 4:29

Acts 4:29b- enable your servants to speak your word w/ great boldness....what a prayer!!! After Peter & John were released they came back, told the people all that had happened before the Sanhedrin, & they prayed this & more, but they prayed this prayer, all of them together, that, that would be what they would do--speak Gods word boldly!! They knew it needed to be done, it was important that they did it, & they knew God would give them all the strength to do it in!!! A few verses later it talks about how they prayed & the very place they were praying it in was SHAKEN!!! Amazing!! I want my prayers to be like that too!! Because you know what it says at the end of that verse!!?? And they were ALL FILLED w/ the Holy Spirit AND SPOKE the Word of God BOLDLY!!!! Oh my goodness!! That brings tears of great excitement to me, b/c the very thing that went on w/ them can so happen to us!! Gods power hasn't changed my friends, that same shakennes (not sure if that's a word, but you get it!) that they felt...we can feel it too!! We've got to pray!! We've got to go to God today, right now & ask that He would do in us what He did in them, so we can go forth & speak!!! Tell our familes that don't know, or maybe have forgotten, share w/ our friends, people that we come in contact with, we've got to speak His word w/ boldness!! We've got to live it out--let people see how great our God is!!! Prayer is important!! Gods word is important!! Let's do our parts & get it going today & see AND feel ALL the shaking God does today, just like He did then!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

"There but for the grace of God, go I" this quote was said by a guy (I can't remember his name) from the 1600's, who had seen prisoners being led to their punishment, some death. It kind of boils down to, "I might have suffered a similar fate, but for Gods mercy!!! How true!! So very true for each of us! God's grace & mercy is so real for us all. He offers it daily to each of us. And if it wasn't for His grace, I knowi would be right where a lot of people are, caught up in my own self, lost in sin, ignorance, bitter, addicted to many things not worthy of my time, but b/c of God's grace & His mercy, I am not!! And this has absolutely nothing to do w/ me & absolutely everything to do w/ Him!! With His great love for me--for you!! So let's remember God's grace today-let's take it, embrace it, & be thankful for it. Instead of looking down on others, let's offer His grace, so generously, to everyone around us, all those we come in contact with today, always knowing the back ground of our story, & how God gave us His grace, & remembering, everyone's got their own!! 1Cor 15:10-(The Message) But b/c God was so gracious, so very generous, here I am. And I'm not about to let his grace go to waste....

Monday, October 3, 2016

In a Hurry

Everybody is in a hurry...except for Monte. He is not in a hurry--ever!! Even when he's talking or telling a story, there's tons of pauses so your not sure if he's done or if he forgot was he was saying. After 27 years I'm still not sure! He doesn't like to be in a hurry & doesn't like when he's being rushed, so our "date night" on Friday was not very relaxing for him. We start out at the FCHS homecoming parade. Anybody that's been in town during parade time, especially homecoming parade, knows how crazy it is. We went to see Nat on the junior float as the dancing Christmas tree. He's trying to find a place to park, people are everywhere. He decides we should watch from Dairy Land, the parade doesn't go down that far!! So Rosenburg parking lot it is. He says, "this is crazy!!" I said, "this is small town homecoming my dear!!" Parade over, we are on our way to Batesville for an exciting night of Goodwill & krogering. We are on St Mary's Road & there's a car behind us--right behind us--just about on our bumper. They also thought, maybe, we were racing in the Indy 500. Monte was not happy to say the least!! Then we go to the Goodwill store, everything is 1/2 off--let me say that again--EVERYTHING IS 1/2 OFF. Everybody from Batesville & all surrounding counties was taking advantage of those prices. So after about 10 min of someone "pushing" him down all the aisles he was in he said, "I'm going to the car." On to to Krogers. It's Friday nite, after 6:00 p.m, it was crowded, carts were loaded. We didn't need to much, thank goodness, b/c after about 20 min of trying to avoid people, carts, & running kids he said, "I'm going to stand & look at magazines & I'm going to take up the entire aisle!" "Okay precious!!" I finished & we're back on the speedway, I mean St Mary's road & he's talking about how crowded everything was, how if people left early enough (I know that was a jab to me, I'm always running late & he's ALWAYS saying that to me) they wouldn't have to drive or act the way they do. So that got me thinking to timing, & how I'm so glad that Gods timing is different than ours. He doesn't run on our time schedules. His ways & thoughts are higher & better than ours (Isaiah 55:8&9) He doesn't rush through anything & He's not so slow that He forgets. I think it's so important to remember this. To stop our busyness & take a breathe--Gods breathe--& just let Him move & do in us what needs to be done. The next verse really put it in the light for me & I pray it does you also. That we'll remember God desires for each of us to be w/ Him in eternity & so being to slow or to fast makes no difference to Him, all that matters, really counts is His timing. And His timing for each of us might be different but that's okay b/c it's going to be perfect for each of us & that's what's & Him!!! 2Peter 3:9- The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient w/ you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Phil 4:4

Philippians 4:4- Rejoice in The Lord always. I will say it again Rejoice!...We have so many reasons to rejoice, but sometimes we get distracted & we forget!! Things happen, life gets us down & rejoicing is the last thing we think about doing. We've got laundry, cooking, cleaning, work, husbands, kids, dogs, bills, all these different things going on that rejoicing just isn't what happens sometimes. Well I think it's important that we stop, & take even just a minute, & Rejoice in The Lord!! We've got a lot going on, all of us do, some things good, some not so good. But even in the hard times, when things are crazy & upside, we've got to look & find the reasons to Rejoice!! It's not always easy, probably the reason why He tells us twice in this verse to do it lol. But let's do it today. Let's Rejoice in The Lord always!! I'm rejoicing for each of you!! For the great friendships God has blessed me with through you. Hope you all have a fabulous Friday & will be rejoicing all through out your weekend!!

Thursday, September 29, 2016


We had praise band practice yesterday & we're singing, "Your love never fails," on Sunday. It's a good song, not one that I always think about, but it's good. Then after practice we had bible study, finishing up our study on Ruth, love that book!! Song is swirling around in my head, "Your love never fails, it never gives up, never runs out on me." We're chatting, talking about some of the things that we think about. Some of the lies satan tries to tell us, make us believe. I think it boils down too, "your not enough!" So we encourage each other w/ scripture. Give ideas of what we do when that happens to us, & then we go home, study is over. I'm in my car & I'm thinking about all these crazy emotions that I've had lately, I can go from oozing joy to crying my eyes out, to thoughts I'm to embarrassed to let you all know, my body is changing, as my dr says, "wellll, your getting older & soo...." All I heard after that was, "blah, blah, blah!!!" Okay, I didn't have to see him to know that!!! But anyway, I thought, "I'm failing, flailing, & faltering!" Then the song came back in my mind...."Your love never fails, it never gives up, never runs out on me!!" Oh my goodness!!! I'm filled w/ thankfulness!! Grateful to a Mighty Savior, who loves me-delights in me- & takes care of me, in & through every single season of my life!! There's not a time He's not w/ me. Even in my craziness, He brings me calm!! Peace!!! How wonderful & amazing He is to us!!! So if your like me, or even if your not, remember always, always, God is faithful to us. He brings us out of the yuck & muck & sets our feet on higher ground!! Take these scriptures & plaster it in your heart & mind & recall them always!! That's how He speaks to us, through His word!! Let Him speak to you today!!! Psalm 36:5-7- Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, Lord, preserve both people & animals. HOW PRICELESS IS YOUR UNFAILING LOVE, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Happy Tuesday

Philippians 3:8- I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord....Monte & I were listening to 3rd Day yesterday, that is one of his favorites bands, & the song "Nothing Compares" came on & it's straight from this verse, "nothing compares to the greatness of knowing you Lord." I'm sitting there singing along & it just hit me, "nothing!! Absolutely nothing compares to knowing God!!!" There is no greater place to be then in His presence, there is no better gift to give then the knowledge of Him, there is nothing better, nothing greater, nothing wiser, nothing-nothing-nothing, is greater than knowing our Lord!! Then getting closer to Him, being in His presence. In the song he talks about all these great sights he's seen, & there are many breath taking beautiful things around us, the Grand Canyon comes to my mind, but that's nothing compared to knowing God. It's important, it's valuable, it's our life line!! If you don't know Him, talk to me or somebody that will "introduce" you. If you've know Him but maybe haven't "seen" Him in awhile, get back together w/ Him!! Let Him revive you!! And if you know Him & you think your good....get to know Him more...& more & more!! He's got knew things for us each day!! You know w/ holidays coming up we become (some of us) consumed w/ finding the perfect gift, well the most perfect gift you could ever give anyone is the knowledge of knowing God!! You don't even have to worry about the whole re gifting thing, or how much it cost, (Jesus already paid that price!), or wrapping it, you've just got to give it out. Today, right now, let's make sure we have that gift & we're giving it out!! If that's what we're giving everyone this year--that will truly be the gift that keeps on giving!!! No better present to have or give!! I hope you have a terrific Tuesday!!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

2Chronicles 20:17

2Chronicles 20:17- You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your position; Stand firm & see the deliverance The Lord will give you, Judah & Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, & The Lord will be w/ you...I came across this verse yesterday & I love it!! Isn't it great to know that God fights our battles for us?! We have to do our part & be prepared, be ready, but He's won the fight! He's delivered us, brought us through to the other side w/ victory in & through Him!!! I love it!! If your facing something & your fretting about the outcome, read this verse! Keep it in your head & your heart. Bring it to mind. Move some of the words & make it yours!! Instead of the "you's", make it "I"!!(or me, whatever fits in the spot!) It makes such a difference, b/c then you'll see it as totally yours, something God has given straight to you!!! This is what He always wants us to remember, He's w/ us!! I hope this will be of encouragement today & your battle won't seem so big once you've got His word inscribed in you!!! Have a Magnificent Monday :-))

Friday, September 23, 2016


I love reading the book of Psalms. I love the reminder of making sure that I'm giving thanks to God. Sometimes I get so caught up in what's going on, whether good or bad, that I forget to just thank Him for Him!!! His goodness, kindness, grace, mercy, love, forgiveness, the list could just, literally, go on & on!! God is good, He is good to us!! Let's make sure we are thanking Him for Him!! Worshipping Him! Praising Him, & giving back to Him, what He so deserves!! One of the things He blesses me w/ that came to my mind as I was thinking of all He gives, was laughter!! I love to laugh!! I love to be w/ my people & just laugh so hard we cry!! It's so so good & sometimes you just need that!! So think about the things your thankful for, & make sure you tell Him!! Make sure you thank Him for those things today!!! Psalm 106:48- Praise be to The Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, "Amen!" Praise The Lord.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Proverbs 31:28

Prov 31:28- Her children arise & call her blessed; her husband also, & he praises her...the 1st time I read this verse it made me laugh. I thought, "my children rise & call me a lot of things...I don't think "blessed" is one of them!!" They are not morning people!! They get it from their dad!! I would wake them up w/ a cheer, or a "rise & shine!! It's thrilling Thursday!! Time to do good things!!!" They were not thrilled, nor were they very cheerful!! Lol. But they rose & as they woke it was, "Mom! Mom?" An occasional, "mother!! Or momma!! Now I only have 1 to wake up & she's not to bad. Lol. Well that depends on who gets up, Natalie or Helen!!! Lol. But as each of them rise, 1 in his own house I will say I am blessed!! God has given us 4 beautiful souls who we have & continue to love & cherish!! What a huge blessing to rise & know that God is moving & working in each of them. My prayer is that they will always be tuned to Gods voice & obedient to His calling!! That thought always makes those long mornings so very worth it!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Psalm 19:14

Psalm 19:14- May the words of my mouth & the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock & my Redeemer...I'm going to tell you how this verse came to be in my head yesterday...I was doing fine as the morning started, my time was good! My goal, every morning, is to start getting ready by 7. If I get started before then--Bonus!!! Well 7 rolls around & I decide that I should sweep the floor by the door. Why, you may be asking??? Well, I thought I had time?!? I get dressed, check the time, "oh I've got 25 min!" I decide then I'm going to write a note back to somebody who had sent me one!! Okay, that's done, it's 7:31. My goal is to leave by is 7:40, I can leave at 7:45 & still get to work by 8, but it's better to leave at 7:40. Okay, I have 9 min--possibly 14! Still good!??! Then it all started to go down hill. Brush my teeth, I hear Lambeau barking & I could tell by the bark he wasn't happy. I look outside..Stitch (Jake's pig) is out!! Great!! I've got to feed the dogs & get the pig up, it's 7:38. Well I'm not leaving in 2 min that's for sure. I'm trying to chain Lambeau up & feed him, he's very concerned that Stitch is going to come over & steal his food, so he's not very cooperative. I get him taken care of, I'm trying to get Stitch up, I have nothing, food wise, for him. It all went to Lambeau! So I'm trying to fake him out by acting like I'm throwing food in his cage...he's not buying it. I give up, throw the bowls in there that I had used for Lambeau. He goes in, I see the hole where he's getting out!! "Are you kidding me!!" I find a piece of wood that covers it & a cinder block, & I "fix" it!! Run, yes I did run, back in look at time, 7:47, I've GOT TO GO!! Out the door, in the car, almost to town, person in front of me driving 35 mph!!!!! Which, yes, that is the speed limit, but this is ridiculous. I'm yelling at him---I mean, at the top of my lungs, SCREAMING!!!!" The only thing I can hear is Monte saying, "you should probably plan your time better!! If you wouldn't have swept & wrote the card you wouldn't be in this spot right now." Those who know us, know we are on totally different time zones. He gets somewhere 20 min early & thinks he's late. I get there 20 min late & I think I'm doing good. So I'm yelling at Monte, who has no idea what's going on, it was just the conversation in my head!! I get on Wildcat lane, seconds away from work, & I get stopped so the elementary traffic can come out. I promise you that guy has it out for me, he stops me everyday. I'm yelling at him. He also has no idea, partly b/c he doesn't care & can't hear me!! Thank goodness b/c I certainly wasn't very nice. I pull into my spot at work, check time, 8:03!! Whew!!! Technically, as long as I clock in by 8:07 I'm not late!! So what do I do, put my lip gloss on!! I still have 4 min!! Well in that time God gives me this verse. I stopped & said to Him, "I am so sorry!! My words nor my thoughts were very pleasing to you I'm sure!! Change the direction of my thoughts so I can be more like you! Please!!" He, of course, did!! He doesn't want me walking around like that. Now I'm not saying I'll never have another morning like that, more than likely I will, but I hope that the next time I will think more godly thoughts, & my words would be more beneficial to anyone who might hear them. My prayer is that you would also take this verse & know it & if you're finding yourself in the same boat as me, God would gently remind you & change your thoughts & words so that we can go through our day w/ honor to Him, instead of hatefulness in us. We look so much better when we reflect Him then when we reflect the world!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

John 13:35

John 13:35- By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another....there are certain things that I see that remind me of certain people, like anything Greenbay Packers, automatically I think, Trevor, or Penn State wrestling, Jake. Matt, jeeps!! Natalie, piano or music symbols, anything purple, a friend of mine loves snow, snowmen, anything that has to do w/ winter, so when I see those kind of things, she comes to my mind, or another dogs, so you know what I'm talking about? You see or hear certain things & you think of certain people, it's how they're identified. Well God makes it pretty clear on how people will know we are how we love each other!! I thought, "oh well that's easy! I'm pretty good at showing love to other people!" Well you know how, when you get kind of cocky & full of yourself, God will say, "oh really!? You've got this one in the bag, do you??" Yes, I'm good at loving the people that I'm close too, or the ones that are loving to me, but what about the ones that I'm not close too, the ones that push my buttons or just drive me crazy!?! You probably wouldn't know I was a disciple of God if you saw me right after I had to deal w/ one of them!! I know that God has given me this verse to remind me of these things, to remind me that His love for me is great!! It's beyond anything I can comprehend!! As gracious as He is to me, I need to show that to ALL those around me!! To be like Him!!! So as each of us go through out our day today let's do our best to show His love, to look & be like His disciples. So that when people see us, they will see Christ!!! And that would be the best kind of identity we could ever have!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

John 21:15-17-(17) Jesus said, "Feed my sheep...these verses have been swirling around in my head for a couple days now. I've thought about the different "things" I have fed...dogs, rabbits, chickens, cows, pigs, guinea pigs, fish, raccoons, babies, kids, friends of kids, Monte, lots of things through out my 27 years as a wife & mom have I fed. So why is God giving me this verse right now? I've read the verses before, this particular one even, & Jesus is asking this to Peter. The 1st time after Peter says, "Yes, I love you." Jesus says, "feed my lambs," then, "take care of my sheep," then, "feed my sheep." Jesus isn't talking about livestock here to Peter, He's talking about all people. Asking him if he will tell people about Him!! If He will show Him to those around him. He wants all people to come to Him--to know Him, love & obey Him, & Hes making sure Peter is up & ready for the task. This may sound a little weird, but I think it's what He's saying to me! Crazy, I know!! I believe He's telling me that my time of rest, reviving, & renewing, is just about over & He wants me to put my work clothes on & get ready to go--to "feed His sheep!" I can feel that moving in my soul, & that strengthening in my spirit. He's preparing me. I've said, "oh gosh Lord, are you sure?" He's said, "do you love me? Take care of my lambs." I've said, "look at my mess!!" He's said, "do you love me? Take care of my sheep." I've said, "I don't think I'm smart enough, or good enough, or even right enough for the job!!" He's responded, "Do you love me? Feed my sheep!" He's looking for my obedience, for my willingness to do what He's got for me. He's working on me, & tweeting somethings & through it all He's saying, "I've got this! This is what I want you to do. You love me & listen to me, & I will take care of the rest. Can you do that?" And I'm answering, "Yes Lord!! Yes I can!! Yes I'm willing!" So of course as I say that, He's continuing His work...He's saying, "wait on me & I will tell you when the feeding starts." I'm excited! My soul is rejoicing b/c God is so good--so amazing--so willing to take this mess of a girl & turn her into something beautiful, someone He desires to do His work. He's got that for each of us! Is He asking you these questions? Or something similar? Is He calling you into something more, something deeper w/ Him? Go to Him, let Him move in & through you. We serve a mighty God--a wonderful, awesome God. Let's all get ready to do what He's asking--let's answer His question w/ a huge, "YES!!" & be obedient. We will never be sorry we said yes to Him, only sorry if we ignore Him. Eph 2:10- For we are Gods handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Proverbs 31:26- She speaks w/ wisdom, & faithful instruction is on her tongue....well it happened to me last nite. I got a text from a friend, & what I texted back was totally my grandma!! It was words that she spoke to me many times. I didn't even realize it at 1st. I was thinking what I was gonna say back & before I knew it, I heard that gentle voice & saw, in my minds eye, her standing at my sink, saying those exact things to me. It was weird at 1st. I even thought, "oh no, maybe that's not what she needs to hear." Then I thought, "well...she probably does!! I sure did." So I texted her & told her I was given that same advice & looking back...I'm so glad I got it. God puts certain people in our lives for different reasons & how wonderful that is. I'm thankful to think of both my grandmas & the wonderful legacy they've left for me, w/out even knowing they did. So if you hear me sometime spilling something out that doesn't quite sound like me...know that it's probably some great morsel of wisdom left to me by some truly beautiful women who have taught me to "be clothed w/ strength & dignity; so I am able to laugh at the days to come!" (Prov 31:25)
I was watching a talk show yesterday & it was a "women vs men" type show. Like "should it matter if a wife makes more than her husband?" Just silly little questions here & there. I was only 1/2 listening partly b/c...I don't care lol. Monte makes more than I do, even in his 2nd job lol. I've been able to work a job where I get to be home more, w/ the kids more. It's been a blessing!! In many ways. So then came a question..."should a man ask a woman's father for her hand in marriage?" Most of the people, men & women, said Yes!! It was respectful & honoring. Well of course, there's one in every group, who was going on & on about how, "she's nobody's possession & nobody had to ask for her hand, b/c your not trading her for cows & goats???" I stopped to listen to her going on about this, (it made me kind of sad for her, did she not know she was important?) the other people are trying to say to her that that's not what it's about, it's about be honoring to her & respectful & the same for the parents. She wasn't having it--wasn't hearing it. Finally they just ended the segment & went on to something else. It made me think of Natalie, I know that whoever wins her heart will not only have to talk to her dad but her brothers will have a huge part in it too. And it's b/c she is precious, she is worthy, & she deserves only the best. Whoever is pledging to take her hand is going to know that & that's how it should be w/ every girl!! When I taught the girls on Wednesday nites, that is something we went over & over & over!! "You are Gods princess!! His royal blood flows through you--that makes you royalty!! Don't 'settle' Don't just take whatever b/c you think that's all there is or will be!! Pray & seek who God wants & has for you. And as you know who you are in Christ..make sure 'the boy' does too!!" Now that doesn't mean you walk around w/ an entitled attitude or you think your better, it just means you know you are worth it!! Your heart is important & valuable & it needs to be treated that way!! And ladies, this totally goes for all of us!! No matter what our age, where we're at in our lives/relationships, we are worth it!! We are worthy, we are Gods girls, His royal blood flows through us also, we are His princess!! It's wonderful-it's beautiful-it's His gift that He gives to us!! Don't sell yourselves short!! Stand tall & know Who's you are!!!! I hope you all have a fabulous Friday & that these verses give you encouragement & are a reminder of Who God says we are!!!
1Peter 2:9- But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood. A holy nation, Gods special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
James 1:18- He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.