Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Today, I want to encourage you all to keep praying!! Whoever or whatever your praying for--keep doing it. If you feel like the answers aren't coming--keep praying, remembering that God is always listening, always doing what needs to be done in all situations & all people. It's important that we keep praying, keep, trusting that Gods plan--His will, will come about & in His timing!!! So here's a couple verses to remember & to keep close: 2Chronicles 15:7- But as for you, be strong & do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. 2Peter 3:9- The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient w/ you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. So those are just 2--there are so many & so much encouragement through out Gods word & I pray that you would take these 2 verses & keep them close to your heart & always on your mind & keep on praying!!! God hears you & He knows what needs to be done. Keep trusting!!! Love you all!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Psalm 98:1- Sing to The Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things....I'm reading this verse & yes He does great things ALL the time!! But it seems our thankfulness is only this time of year. I mean we probably give thanks, & we're thankful, but is thankfulness really part of our everyday life? For me, if I'm honest, it probably isn't. I whine b/c of many many different things. My heart & my mind are full of worry, especially for my kids. I'm constantly comparing myself to other people, that I forget all that God is doing in me. My heart & my mind are not full of thanks. I need to stop & not just this time of year, & I need to sing to The Lord a new song, I need to thank Him for all He has done & all He is doing, for all His deeds are marvelous. All His plans are good. So that's what I'm going to work on--when all the hustle & bustle of this time of year are over, & we're back into the nitty gritty of everyday life, I want to overflow w/ thankfulness to Him & for Him. Maybe if we all work on a heart full of thanks all the time & not just now, then the true meaning of this time of year, the birth of our Savior, will take on a whole new meaning!!!

Monday, November 28, 2016

I am so excited!!! I got this new book on prayer & I love it!! Prayer is important to me, & my appointment w/ prayer is my life line for the day. Now please don't think that I've got the corner market on this b/c I don't. There are mornings when, maybe I haven't slept well, & so I'm asking God for an extra hour of rest instead of just going to Him in prayer. But still, it's important. So in this book the author talks about 10 different ways in which the enemy does his best to attack us on, & she gives you 10 different strategies, ways to pray to counter those attacks. Well 1 of the things he tries to attack us on is against our confidence. He reminds us of our past mistakes, bad choices, & he's hoping to convince us that we are under Gods judgement rather than under His blood. As I was reading that I thought, "yes, he's done that to me." I've listened to the negative, accusing voice of, "Ha!! You really think God is going to use someone like YOU!? Someone who_____?" And if I'm not careful I start to believe that. I think, "oh yeah, I did do/say that." But it is so important that we--you & I, remember we don't have to listen to that voice. We are victorious, through Jesus, over any negativity or accusing voice, & here is an important verse, Gods word! His voice, that we can carry w/ us to remind us of His great love for us & our victory through Him. Revelation 12:10-...For the accuser of our brothers & sisters, who accuses them before our God day & night, has been hurled down!! (v11 too) They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb!!!! Oh my gosh, I read that & read that, & got so excited & cried, underlined it, wrote it down, thanked Him for the victory I--WE have in Him!!! I pray that this gives you not only excitement, but such great hope!! Our confidence might be something satan tries to use against us, but we don't have to listen!! We can get up, put our armor on, & go forth, knowing that we have triumphed over that negative & accusing voice through ALL that Jesus has done for us!!! What a great way to start our week out, w/ great confidence in the One who fills us daily!!! I pray your able to get some time w/ Him today & let His words ring & resonate so loud & clear in your ears today, that He is the only one you hear!! Have a great Monday :-))
I am so excited!!! I got this new book on prayer & I love it!! Prayer is important to me, & my appointment w/ prayer is my life line for the day. Now please don't think that I've got the corner market on this b/c I don't. There are mornings when, maybe I haven't slept well, & so I'm asking God for an extra hour of rest instead of just going to Him in prayer. But still, it's important. So in this book the author talks about 10 different ways in which the enemy does his best to attack us on, & she gives you 10 different strategies, ways to pray to counter those attacks. Well 1 of the things he tries to attack us on is against our confidence. He reminds us of our past mistakes, bad choices, & he's hoping to convince us that we are under Gods judgement rather than under His blood. As I was reading that I thought, "yes, he's done that to me." I've listened to the negative, accusing voice of, "Ha!! You really think God is going to use someone like YOU!? Someone who_____?" And if I'm not careful I start to believe that. I think, "oh yeah, I did do/say that." But it is so important that we--you & I, remember we don't have to listen to that voice. We are victorious, through Jesus, over any negativity or accusing voice, & here is an important verse, Gods word! His voice, that we can carry w/ us to remind us of His great love for us & our victory through Him. Revelation 12:10-...For the accuser of our brothers & sisters, who accuses them before our God day & night, has been hurled down!! (v11 too) They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb!!!! Oh my gosh, I read that & read that, & got so excited & cried, underlined it, wrote it down, thanked Him for the victory I--WE have in Him!!! I pray that this gives you not only excitement, but such great hope!! Our confidence might be something satan tries to use against us, but we don't have to listen!! We can get up, put our armor on, & go forth, knowing that we have triumphed over that negative & accusing voice through ALL that Jesus has done for us!!! What a great way to start our week out, w/ great confidence in the One who fills us daily!!! I pray your able to get some time w/ Him today & let His words ring & resonate so loud & clear in your ears today, that He is the only one you hear!! Have a great Monday :-))

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Sleep eludes me

I have been having the worst time sleeping lately. Well for close to a month now. At first I thought it was the time change, b/c that's about the time it started, but by now I would think that would be better. It's not!! Every nite/ morning at 3:00 am I wake up. After the 1st week I thought maybe my hormones, that's been another issue for me lately lol. Then, the longer it's gone on, I've thought maybe I need to be praying for someone. So I've been going through my prayer journal & praying. Last nite though, as once again I'm up, I just said "Father, I'm tired! I just want to sleep! I pray every morning, why would You wake me up in the middle of the nite to pray again, for I don't even know who or what for??" He gave me these verses...Eph 6:10,13&14- Finally, be strong in The Lord & in his mighty power...& after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm..."which, yes I know that, I get that! But I'm ssoo tired! And You know what happens when people get physically tired, mental & emotional start to go out the window too!! I'm still not sure I understand!?" Then He just kinda wrapped it all up w/ this verse....Philippians 4:19- And my God will meet all your needs....well what do I possibly say to that? Nothing, I just started praying through my journal. At some point I went to sleep b/c my alarm woke me up. And as I was going through my morning routine I thought, "thank You God! Thank You that You do know what I need. You know how to give it to me. I need to trust. I need to let my faith do the walking & the talking!" So that's what I'm trying to do. I'm sure I'll still whine here & there, but I know when I do God will gently guide me back to where He wants me to be. So I pray this helps you all also. Maybe it's not sleep or lack of your dealing with, maybe your worried about the holidays, or a job situation, or your kids!! They have a way of yanking the wind right out of your sail lol. But remember...keep standing--keep praying--keep trusting--& always know that God will take care of all that's going on!!!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Have you ever just had something on your mind/heart & you pray & you pray & you pray, & then you just say, "God, I don't know what to say anymore? I don't know how to pray this any different. I don't have any other words I can use!" That's kinda where I am right now. It's not that I think God isn't listening, I know He is. I also know that God is refining & doing what He needs to in this particular situation. So when I went to Him last nite I just said, "God, I don't know!? I'm at a loss!" And here is what He gave back to me....Romans 8:26- In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless even in our times of just knowing that we need to pray for a person or situation, but not feeling like we have the words, the Holy Spirit speaks for us! We cry out & we're heard. That is so encouraging to me--so full of hope!! I pray that it is for you also. That you'll know even when the words aren't flowing God still hears your prayers!! And I also want to ask you to just lift up my request. I can't give out details right now, but just know that I appreciate you lifting my family up!!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

This is a long one everybody!! Sorry, so much to say lol!! I know some of you know the story on my license, but some of you don't, so I thought I'd share w/ you the wonderful story of Gods amazing grace on getting my license. I, in all honesty, thought my license expired 11/28/16, this year!! 2016!!! So I had no reason to check it, no reason to be nervous if they checked my license. Well we were on vacation in Gatlinburg, early October, & it was pointed out to me that it was expired, by almost a year!!! It had expired 11/28/15!!!! Oh my goodness I was shocked, I couldn't believe it!! So, okay I have to get it re-newed when I get home. Well our license branch is only open Mon-Wed-Fri, everytime I would think about it, it was Tues or Thurs. So now it's November & Natalie & I are getting ready to go visit my aunt in Chicago. We are renting a car....well as soon as I get that license taken care of!!! On Thurs Monte said, "you've GOT to go tomorrow & take care of that!! "Oh gosh!!! YES I do!!" So I'm nervous, the ladies at the BMV are not the nicest ladies. Everyone keeps saying, "oh no big deal, you'll just pay a fine, no problem!! Well, if your license is over 6 months expired you have to take the written test!! OH MY GOSH!! I take it--I fail!! This is Friday, we are leaving Sunday!!! What am I going to do??? She says you can take it tomorrow in Lawrenceburg. Okay, I grab a book, call Monte (crying!!) & start studying & praying, & studying & praying & get the idea!!! I read that book twice, I took the practice test in the back, I took 2 practice tests on line, I'm still praying, praying, praying!! I get up on Saturday, get dressed, the only thing I did was brush my teeth. I didn't shower, didn't put make up on, didn't even brush my hair. I'm still praying!!! So I'm on my way to Lawrenceburg & still praying, my stomach in nots & my head aching & I finally just said, "Lord, you see this situation! You know what needs to be done & I'm trusting in you to do just that. I've done all I can & I'm just trusting that you will give me the info that I need & this will all be good for me & glory for you!!" So I get there, get the computer in the corner & start taking my 50 question test. Some guy came in to take a test & he was one computer away from me. I get to my last question, answer it, hit next & it says, "Congratulations!! You have Passed!!" I leaned back in my chair, I was sitting on the very edge, & put both hands in the air & said, "YES!!! Thank You Jesus!!!" I didn't yell it-it was half way between whisper & voice. But the guy heard me & of course looked at me. I said, "you have no idea how badly I needed to pass this test!!" He just gave me that, "okay crazy pants!!" kind of look--I didn't care--I was so excited, so glad, so very very full of thanks!! I know that I didn't take that test alone, I know, w/ out a doubt, that each answer was God given!! I got my picture done & didn't even care I had no make up on, I was a little taken back that it seemed I hadn't even brushed my hair, but in all reality, I didn't care!!! I was a legal licensed driver, by Gods amazing grace!!! I got in my car & told Him, "I can't stop thanking You!!" I texted Monte, my mom & friends, called one of my friends, I was so so happy & so so full of thanks!!! God was gracious to me, He gave me wisdom & confidence when they were both at their lowest. He is good to me--to us--all the time. So let's remember, not just this time of year, but always, this verse...Isaiah 30:18- The Lord waits to be gracious to you, & therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you...and let's always give thanks to Him for His great grace & mercy, & His consistency in our lives always!! He takes care of us in ways that can only be explained as Him!!! This just makes my heart smile!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I've been having trouble sleeping. I've been waking up at 3:00 am everyday, consistently for over a week. I thought maybe it's the time change, I did not gain an hour like they say you do. Then I thought maybe it's this shot I got to help w/ some female stuff going on. Maybe I'm drinking coffee to late, it's never bothered me before but as my family likes to point out, I'm getting older & my body is changing! Why thank you everybody!! Lol. Whatever the reason sleep is not consistent. So last nite I'm sleeping & I'm sleeping good until all the sudden Ringo decides he needs to find me. He does that when he wants to lay by me or if he needs to go out. He takes his nose & nudges me. My arms, my legs, my face, wherever he can--he does. Last nite, no different. So I say, "do you have to go out?" We go to the door, I open it, he looks at it, turns & goes & lays down by the couch. Okay he just wants to be near me--how nice (that is sarcastic!) I look at the time..4:00, well I got an extra hour but I'm thinking, "could you not have waited 1 more hour & then I would've been up--for the day!!" So I'm whining, "Lord, PLEEEEASE let me go back to sleep--just for this last hour!!!!" I'm fussing in my prayer, telling God how tired I've been--how tired I am & I just want to sleep!! Then He gives me this verse...Philippians 4:19- And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. God knows exactly what I need!! He knows exactly how to provide what I need. So I need to trust & know that God will make sure I get the rest I need. Maybe it means I stay home & not over commit myself. Or I just read & meditate on His word. However, He will bring me to the place of resting, reviving, renewing, & peace!! He will do the same for you. Maybe it's not sleep your feeling deprived of, it might be time, or w/ the holidays coming up your feeling anxious, whatever it is remember that God knows what you need to get through each day & He will always provide you w/ it!!!! Go to Him (maybe not in the whiney voice I used lol) & let Him comfort you & remind you of His word. You'll always be so glad you did!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I'm reading Proverbs 31 & I'm thinking about this woman. I'm thinking that if it was about me there would be other verses in there. Like, "she falls asleep at a decent hour but wakes at 3:00 am w/ hot flashes & headaches," "she cleans her house & puts things away, & can't remember where she has put the stuff!" There are other things that would be in there, but some stuff you just don't want to read about this early in the morning. My dr says, "it's all part of growing older. It's a process & your going through it!" Okay, well I'm not really enjoying this part, but I'm trying to remember that, "this to shall pass!" It's (certainly) not going to be like this forever. One of my favorite verses from that chapter is 25- "She is clothed w/ strength & dignity; she can laugh at the days to come," I know that Gods strength is something I put on each day, b/c, believe me, there is no way I could do this w/ out His strength!! Laughing comes very easy for me, and I'm not above laughing at myself, so yes! laughing at the days to come, I can also do that. And so as I try to go into this season of my life gracefully, I'm thankful for Gods word. I'm thankful for my family, not all the time, Monte thinks he's funny...he's not!! But I'm thankful that even in all my craziness they seem to love their momma, & trust me when I say..Monte is patient!! I'm thankful for my friends that God has so gently placed in my life to encourage me & to re-direct me when I need it. So yes, we all go through crazy times, times we think we're never gonna get through, but we do, we do b/c God is good & He loves us!! He gives us great reminders all through out His word & He tells us in Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through him who gives me strength!!! So take that verse & hold it close & know that no matter what's going on, what your going through, Gods grace & His strength will get you through!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Reading through Psalms & came across this little chapter. I thought I would share it, such a great chapter to have on your mind & in your heart, all the time but especially this Thanksgiving season!! Hope you all like it too!! Psalm 100:1-5- Shout for joy to The Lord, all the earth Worship The Lord w/ gladness; come before him w/ joyful songs. Know that The Lord is God. It is he who made us, & we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates w/ thanksgiving & his courts w/ praise; give thanks to him & praise his name. For The Lord is good & his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Psalm 62:8- Trust in him at all times, o people, pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us....what a great verse to know & remember, especially as we celebrate Veterans Day & get through the aftermath of this election. We are not alone-God is w/ us & He is in control!! We are not helpless!! Remember, when your feeling like, "I don't know what I can do to make a difference!?" Pray!! We can pray!! The prayers we offer are always heard!! Our God is and will always be a refuge for us!!! Hope you all have a fabulous Friday & Happy Veterans Day!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's always fun to go away. Sometimes you need a break from the nitty gritty of the craziness & just relax. Go to bed late, wake up late, eat a little carelessly, just kinda let your guard down. Which is what I did lol, but as we were coming home & signs & sites & cities & roads started looking & sounding familiar, I was so glad!! I kept thinking, "not to much longer now!!!" Then we got here & I was just like....."aaahhh!!! home!!" My precious Ringo was so excited to see me, the other dogs too, but he was bouncing all around & giving a howl here & there. When I walked in I heard Monte's familiar greeting: "Misssss!!!! What's uuuupp!!" Matt: "Hey Mom!!! Did you have fun? Oh...are you cooking supper? If not that's okay, I'll just go to town. I'm trying to plan my night out!" Oh Matthew!!! But it's good to be home. And I think that's how it will be when we get to heaven...only a million times better. Being in the presence of our King!! Doing nothing but praising Him all day!! No worries-no cares. It's like a huge...."AAAAHHHHH!! IM HOME!!!" So it's good here & of course we should always do our best to be Christ-like, to shine His light in this dark world, but when we truly get home, it'll be like a huge party going on!!! And how exciting that will be!!! Paul new exactly what he was talking about when he said: Philippians 1:21- For me, to live is Christ & to die is gain. Bonus either way!! So while we're here let's continue to be Christ-like. Let's remember all these wonderful people & things that we have here to enjoy are gifts to us from our Father, James 1:17- Every good & perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights...and let's also know, there is so much more that God has waiting for us!! I pray this brings you hope & joy, & you can go through out your day w/ just that--right w/ you...Gods hope & joy!!!! There's no better way to be or outlook to have, than that of our Creator!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Natalie & I got back from Chicago yesterday afternoon. We had a great trip. Went & saw some of the tourist things that you look at when your in Chicago, went & saw Wrigley field, where the sign said, "Home of the World Champion Chicago Cubs," & even watched a scene from Chicago Fire being taped. It was all very cool, but I think the coolest thing for me was seeing this amazing love story unfold before my eyes. My grandpa, whom I never met, my dad didn't even meet him. He was an airborne trooper in WW2, & he died in combat. He died a war hero, but to read the letters between him & my Grandma, it was obvious he was her hero, & not for anything he did, simply b/c he loved her & she loved him!! His letters were detailed, all that he was doing, who was with him, it was everyday stuff, probably if someone texted you that you'd be like, "okay! I don't really wanna know that Slip got sick & is in his bunk all day!" But these letters were their connection. I'm sure her letters back were the same. It was all so very sweet. He was stationed in Alaska for a little while & he would send her the local news. She saved it!! Every little piece of paper, every letter, every postcard, she saved. I pictured her reading them over & over & carefully putting them in this wonderful scrapbook. It was so emotional & then we get to the last letter, not from him...."we regret to inform you that..."my heart broke for my grandma. Then it was sympathy cards & letters not only consoling her but my dad also, who was only 10months old. I know each time I've thought of that scrapbook & those letters, I have fought back tears. Even now typing this my eyes are full. That was such a different time, a different era. Letters were filled w/, "my darling," "my love," "my sweat heart," his letters were signed, "forever yours!" It made me rethink how I talk, especially to Monte. Now I know we're going to get back in the swing of things & he, no doubt will get on my nerves, I honestly think he likes to do that, aggravate the point of my sanity being in question, but I want to always have that kind of love in my heart for him. It was pure, innocent, & good. The verse that came to my mind was Proverbs 5:18- "May your fountain be blessed, & may you rejoice in the wife of your youth." I've prayed that before, "help us to love each other, to remember when & why You've brought us together & brought us this far!" I want to make sure that we leave a legacy of love for our kids & grandkids, & great grandkids, & so on...just like they did. How wonderful, what a great thing to strive for!!! I brought back many great treasures from my grandmas house, but the greatest is the sweet, sweet memories they left for me!!!!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Yesterday I sat here w/ this phone in my hand for almost an hour trying to figure out what to type. My mind was blank. I couldn't figure out what I was thankful for. Well that's not right, I had a lot of things I was thankful for I just couldn't get the words from my head to my phone. So I finally thought, "forget it!" Then I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up & I'm scrolling through fb & my memory from 5yrs ago (on yesterday's exact date) was that I was thankful for being a mom!! I thought, "well of course!! I'm very thankful for this privilege!" Even though it's not always easy & not necessarily always fun, but it is truly what brings me joy. Even as they are older & I have no little ones that I'm chasing all around, I'm thankful for the transition of them depending on me for everything, to them becoming their own godly, productive adults. Not that they don't still depend on me but there is certainly a difference in what they are seeking me out for. Now of course there are moments when my heart aches for the times when we were all under one roof, & everybody was home every night, but I know this is how it's supposed to go & I'm thankful. There really is no other way to put it, but my heart is full of thanks, thankful for wonderful memories of my little babies, & so thankful for such great hope for their future!! Luke 2:19- But Mary treasured up all these things & pondered them in her heart.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

So it's November already. When your in the middle of summer, the holidays always seem so far away, but here we are. I love thanksgiving. I love that the only thing you really have to think about is food. And I love that thankfulness seems to be on people's minds. I can usually get on Facebook & there will atleast be 3 or 4 post on what people are thankful for. So I thought I would do that, I thought I would share some of the things I'm thankful for. If you want to do that too, please, share away!!! So today I'm thankful for...the way God provides. Of course in the way He provides for us w/ our jobs, but even more than that. When I get a goodnights sleep, I'm thankful!! God knows the rest I need & He knows how to calm my mind so I can get that. When I think of the way He provides I think of His name Jehovah Jireh--God provides. Fills my heart w/ thankfulness. Philippians 4:19- and my God will provide for all your needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus. Just one of the many things that brings my heart to a place of thankfulness!!! I can't wait to hear yours!! Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A friend of mine & I were talking about rejection & I thought I'm sure it's something we all deal with or have delt with. So I thought I'd pass this along to you all!!...Ok--rejection. Obviously never fun at any age. I think it brings out the jr high girl in all of us, no matter our age!!! So I've been thinking, "how do I handle rejection?" I wish my answer was..."I ALWAYS go to God & let Him heal that hurt & take away that pain." The sad thing is...that is not the 1st thing I do. I pout-I feel sorry for myself & sometimes I try & find someone who will take my side & understand where I'm coming from. But I will tell you, as I'm sure you already know, that the best way to handle it, is to go to God!!! Read His word!! Before they finally realized that David was who God wanted for king, he was the last brother Samuel was looking at & finally he was like, "don't you have any other sons!?" And Jesse was like, "Oh! Well there is the youngest one, David, he's out w/ the sheep!" You know that story...they bring David in and....."aaahhhh YES!! It's him." 1Samuel 16:7- But The Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but The Lord looks at the heart." So what I think is important & what I truly try to do is just pray!!! I ask God, "your seeing the hearts of all involved, mine included, so please change what needs to be changed so that ALL are following You. If there are wrong motives...change them!! If I'm being a baby (shock!!! It happens!) change me!!!" Pray it over & over & always remember that--even if man has rejected you, You are hand picked by God!! Chosen by the Creator of the universe to do His great will. So don't get discouraged or downcast--know that God will bring about what He needs to in His time, it's up to us to wait, trust, & know that His will, will be done!! I hope this helps/encourage you today!! I love you & am praying!!!