Friday, December 30, 2016

I heard this song on the radio yesterday, I have no idea the name of it or even who sings it, but the chorus said, (& I dont even know exact words) "empty me & fill me w/ you, Jesus!" Well I've been sick & when I first heard "empty me" I thought, "I know I'm pretty empty...especially after last nite!!! There can't possibly be anything left in me!!" But then as I was listening & the "empty me & refill me" kept singing I was thinking of what I truly needed "emptying" of...fear--insecurity--selfishness--hatefulness--a bad attitude--or bad thoughts. These are just a few things that I should be emptied of. Why do I hang on to them? Some of these things are satans weapons that he uses against me. "Your not____" fill in the blank. Some of them are just things that I hang on to--for whatever reason, their familiar would probably be the biggest reason. So I thought as I was listening to this song, "I need to be emptied & then I need to not just be filled, but to be overflowing w/ Jesus!!!" That is my prayer!! "Overflow me w/ you!! Let my identity always be in You--let my focus be on Your will & not mine--let me lift my family up to You w/ great expectation of what Your going to do in their lives--& let my passion be You!! Always You!!!!" There are so many verses that God gives us on these things!! He speaks to us on them so that we are in Him--on His page!!! But my favorite verse has become Ezekiel 3:26- I will give you a new heart & put a new spirit w/ in you; I will remove your heart of stone & give you a heart of flesh. Did you catch the promise..."I will give you!!" God wants us to be after Him!! I want to be after Him. He wants to take the heart of stone..the un-responsive heart out & give us a heart of flesh!!! That might not seem that exciting but let me tell you what a heart of flesh consist of...a heart that's alive & tender, one that is beating & responsive again. Engaged again--able to believe w/ all that we have & more!!! Isn't that wonderful!!! I was so excited when I read that!!! So glad that I can be emptied of the other stuff so that I can be filled w/ this good stuff--great stuff!! So if you are feeling "full of yuck" & want to be emptied...ask Him. Go to Him & pray that He empties out this old stuff that isn't useful & puts in more of Him & gives you a "heart of flesh!!" Of course He will & how much better we will be & feel when He does!! I know I'm looking forward to it too!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Luke 1:37- For no word from God will ever fail....I love short verses w/ such big impacts. I think it's so great to know, & I'm sure I've said this before, that God never ever goes back on what He says!! People do that all the time. Whether they mean to or not, they let us down. Sometimes, w/ some people, I've even said (in my head), "I'll believe that when I see it!" And it's mostly b/c they've said something-promised something & they've not come through. It's disappointing at best, but God doesn't do that to us. What He says He means. What He says He's going to do, He will!! His word will not fail us!! We can count on Him--we can take His promises to heart & know they will happen, know that they're true!! I pray this gives you comfort. I pray that it makes your hope & your trust just grow stronger & stronger. That you can go through out your day w/ the godly confidence of who you are in Him--His child & of His great love for you!!! It seems like a good way to not only close out this year--but start the next!!! Makes you just want to say, "Aahhaa!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!"

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Luke 2:10&11- But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, The Lord." Merry Christmas to you all!!! Praying the great joy that was w/ the shepherds on that night will be w/ us today & all in the new year!!! Have a presence filled day :-))

Friday, December 23, 2016

Monte & I went out yesterday to finish up on the things we needed. It was a good day, but I will say...I'm so glad we're done. I even have everything wrapped & under the tree!!! Which is huge for me, I'm usually wrapping things on Christmas Eve lol. At midnight!!! Lol. So as I'm listening to the news (I've told you all about Montes love for the news right!?) & they're talking about the hustle & bustle & the last minute shopping & the stores that have extended hours, the on-line places that will "ship in 1 day, but it will cost extra" I'm thinking, "I hope that we all remember why we're doing this. I hope our hearts are full of love & joy & hope, b/c if it wasn't for God giving us the greatest gift--the gift of His Son--we wouldn't even be doing this!!" So here's a little prayer that we each can say, that will hopefully keep our minds on the true reason for this season!!! I love you all, am thankful for each of you!! And I pray your Christmas is filled w/ family, friends, & blessed by our Savior!!! "We're thankful for family & food, we're thankful for gifts & presents--but Father, we pray for the ultimate gift of Your presence!! Amen!! Isaiah 9:6- For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, & the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called (this is my favorite part :-)) Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I was thinking about the birth of Jesus yesterday. I was thinking about the shepherds. Imagine being one of them. Your in the field w/ the sheep, pretty much minding your business and all of a sudden.....Luke 2:9- An angel of The Lord appeared to them, & the glory of The Lord shone around them, & they were terrified. Oh my goodness I imagine they were. They were kinda the last people that got important information anyway & here, right now, they're the 1st!!! So the angel is saying, "don't be afraid. Here's what I'm here to tell you & it is GREAT news!!!" So they calm down, listen, & then say, "okay-let's go check this out!! Verse 16 says, "so they hurried off..." I bet they did. Starts out a normal, maybe even boring night, & then all this excitement--this great news. So they go to Bethlehem & sure enough, just as they were told, there they all are!!! Wow!!!! Amazing!! Now I will tell you I would be just like them, verse 17-"When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, (18) & all who heard it were amazed. I guess so. I bet some people even thought, "how or why did these shepherds get told before we did?" Then when I read verse 20-"The shepherds returned (I'm sure to the sheep) glorifying & praising God for all the things they had heard & seen, which were just as they were told!!" How exciting. I just picture them back to work, but they are different now. They've seen Jesus!! The Messiah!!! Our Savior!!! They are worshipping, heads back, arms raised, maybe even dancing, tears flowing, hearts touched-changed!!! Oh wow!! That makes me so excited!! I picture myself there w/ them, & the joy in my heart can't help but well up, overflow. I want to be like the shepherds. I want to go & tell people all of what God has done & continues to do. I want to do this not just this time of year, but always!!! God is good. His grace & mercy & love are flowing, ready & available for each of us. Let's be like the shepherds. Let's be reminded & go & tell & then let's worship & praise God for all that we have been told & seen & know. Most importantly, let's take that right w/ us waaay into the new year. I know we'll all be so glad we did. We'll be changed-a new & good different, b/c our hearts will have been touched by the hand of God. Oh man!! No better way to be!!!

Monday, December 19, 2016

I don't know about you, but this time of year can just get so crazy. And the older the kids get the crazier it seems. You've got so many different schedules that your trying to work around, that it just seems like nothing is working out. Then you've got presents....your trying to get everyone taken care of & it seems like there's always one that you just can't figure out what to buy them. So you start wrapping & oops everybody has 4 gifts....they have 1!!! It's hectic, it's crazy, this is not how it's supposed to be. These are the things that make people stress out. Well I'm not sure where I heard this or read it but in Psalm 136 God reminds us 26 times that "His love endures forever!!" So I looked that up & sure enough after every thing that is said it follows up w/ "His love endures forever!!" (v1,4,713,23-26) these are a few that stuck out to me, especially last 3... "He remembered us in our low estate--His love endures forever and freed us from our enemies--His love endures forever He gives food to every creature--His love endures forever Give thanks to the God of heaven--His love endures forever!!!" A week from today the hype will be over. Heck my tree will probably even be down lol. But the great thing is, Gods love for me--for us!!--is going to keep going on!! No matter if people like their gifts or not--Gods love is going to continue. No matter if we can all find a time to get together--Gods love is going to endure. Long after the mess is cleaned up--Gods love is going to be what lasts!! His love is what matters. His love is what sustains us!! So as we excitedly await for Christmas morning, let's all remember that God has already given us the greatest gift ever...the gift of His son & that His love truly endures forever!!!

Friday, December 16, 2016

I love the promises God gives us in His word!!! His promises are always true, something we can always count on--stand on!!! My favorite promise, is the promise of Him never leaving us. Have you ever felt alone? Like nobody cares, nobody understands? You're in the middle of a crowded room & just feel lonely. I'm sure at some point we all have, but the best thing to remember is--we never are alone!! God is w/ us through the good & the bad, the crazy days that turn into tired nights, He is present!!! How encouraging & comforting. What great hope we have in Him!! I'm going to leave you w/ a couple verses that I pray will give you that hope today. That you'll be offering up a praise today saying, "thank You for these promises!! thank You for You!!!" Have a fabulous Friday!! Matthew 28:20- "I am w/ you ALWAYS, to the end of the age." Ezekiel 33:14- "My presence will go w/ you, I will give you rest."

Thursday, December 15, 2016

1Thess 5:17- pray continually....such a little verse w/ such a powerful message. Praying is something we all need to do & we need to do it always. I saw, I think on fb, where it said, "7 days w/ out prayer makes one weak!" I love that, it's so true. Prayer keeps us connected, keeps us fueled, & is part of our victory through Jesus. So let's make sure we are doing this daily. Whether in the morning, or at night, whenever you can...."pray continually!!"

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

There is a Christmas song that, I just started hearing this year but apparently has been out before, it's called "How Many Kings," & it's by Down Here. But the chorus goes like this..."how many kings step down from their thrones--how many lords have abandoned their homes--how many greats have become the least for me--and how many gods have poured out their hearts, to romance a world that is torn all apart--how many fathers gave up their son for me....only One did that for me." That song gets me everytime I hear it. It brings tears to my eyes & it makes me think...there is no other King, lord, or god, but One that has done that for each & every one of us & it seems that Christmas & Easter are the only times we think about it--I mean really think about it. I'm just as guilty, I get caught up in everything that's going on & try to do all the "fun holiday stuff" that I forget--so many times. We need to remember this all through out the year, we need to be thankful for this great sacrifice all through out the year. And the verse that, every time I hear the song, comes to my mind is John 3:16- "For God so loved the world that he gave his one & only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life!!" That is what God did for us. The Creator of...EVERYTHING wants a relationship w/ each of us...He wants it so much that He sent His Son--His only Son to take upon all our sin. He took it & nailed it to the cross. He did that for us!!!! Let's remember that. When your feeling overwhelmed b/c nothing is working out or family isn't getting along or whatever has got you in a tailspin try & remember this. Remember this verse (ultimately) & remember this little chorus. Jesus took all that on, never said it was going to be a cake walk, but did say, "trust me-keep your hope in me, I've got you!!!" And know there's only One that's done ALL this for you and that's Jesus!!! Let's celebrate Him--as He so deserves!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I'm going to share w/ you something that Natalie told to me....last week she was trying to get her homework done & was getting upset b/c nothing was working out the way she had hoped it would. I'm not sure if it's b/c she procrastinated, she comes by that honestly, but either way, she was starting to freak out!!! So she thought, "I'm going to pray!!" Well in that time of prayer God led her to Luke 1:13- But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard..." She took that verse--Gods word--& made it hers, "Do not be afraid, Natalie; your prayer has been heard!!" Of course that was exactly what she needed to hear to be able to rest. She couldn't get anything else done on her homework, but she could put her faith into action & trust that God would provide what she needed & of course He did!!! She got to school the next day & found the resources she needed & got done what she needed too!! Then she said, "I thought about what we would say at church camp. The dean of the week would yell out 'God is good!' & the campers would yell back, 'All the time!!' & then he would say, 'All the time' we would yell, 'God is good!!'" How so true that all is. We get frustrated & discouraged & sometimes God is our last resort. We try to do things on our own. Let's make sure we go to Him 1st!! What a great example Natalie was to me & I pray she can be to all of us. Go to God, let Him speak His word, & then trust Him!!! Seems so simple & when we do it Gods sure can be!!!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Since I started taking this medicine, to feel better, I have felt dry!!! My lips, mouth, skin, nose, even the bottom of my feet are dry. I have Chapstick right by my chair & when my lips get that dry feeling I grab that stuff & just lather it on!! I get that, "AAAHHHH!" feeling & I'm pretty sure I even say, "AAAHHHH" because it brings such relief & I'm so glad to not have that dryness anymore. So as I was doing some lathering I thought that's exactly what God does for us. We get dry--for whatever reason. Maybe things aren't going well at home or work. Maybe there's sickness or we're worried about our kids, our finances. We get our feelings hurt, or we feel ignored, not appreciated. There are so many reasons that can cause spiritual dryness, but we don't have to walk around dry--looking for something, anything that will quench that thirst. God promises to quench our thirst, when we seek Him & lay it all out for Him, He pours it on us--He lathers our souls so that we're not walking around dry. How wonderful is that!! I love it--He gives me/us hope!! And that hope is available, it's steady & ready for all of us at anytime!! So if you think you might be feeling a little dry or if you know your right in the middle of a big old desert--go to Him today & let Him quench that thirst. So that as soon as He starts pouring Himself out you'll be able to throw your head back, lift your arms high & just say, "AAAHHHH!!!" Psalm 63:1,3&4- You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you: I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry & parched land where there is no water. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, & in your name I will lift up my hands.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Philippians 4:4-Rejoice in The Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!....this verse made me laugh. I know that doesn't sound very nice, but it did. I've been battling this sickness for about 2 weeks now. I have felt horrible. I went to the dr & they said I had bronchitis, gave me an antibiotic & cough medicine, said to rest & sent me on my way. I've only wanted to sleep & you all know the trouble I have w/ that!! So when God gave me that verse I just thought, "okay! I'll get to rejoicing in just a minute." But then I thought, "I really do have a lot to rejoice about!!" Yes I feel horrible & it seems there's no end in sight, throat is no longer sore--rejoice!! My glands are no longer swollen--rejoice!! I'm not coughing nearly as much as I was--rejoice! When I've needed to sleep, I've been able too--double rejoice!! So things are no where near perfect--God never said it would be, He did say, "hang on to Me b/c I've overcome ALL this!" (John 16;33-paraphrased w/ my words lol). So rejoicing is what I'm going to try & do. God gave me this verse as a reminder & instead of laughing at it I'm going to rejoice in it. Thankful that He speaks to me, that He reminds me of what I should do & what my attitude should be. So maybe you've got some stuff going on & your thinking that rejoicing isn't what's going to happen. Try & look at what is good, because no matter how bad it seems there is always something we can rejoice about, & as you do that--you'll be surprised at how much your whole outlook changes & that's what God wants for us, not to be walking around downcast, but to have rejoicing on our hearts, minds, & lips!! If nothing else...Hey! It's Friday!!!! Rejoice!!!!!! Love you all!!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

You know how sometimes you just don't hear anything good. I don't know if it's b/c I don't feel good, but we were watching the news yesterday & of course it's not good--even the weather is less than desirable. I'm scrolling through fb & it just seemed the same. I told Monte I was just gonna go back to bed & I came across this verse...Psalm 19:1- The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands...that just stopped me right there. God is good!! So good. Yes, things in this world are crazy, bad, & discouraging-but for us--those of us who are Christians--who love God, that's not it!! This is not the end, when it gets to be overwhelming God says, "wait a minute. Remember to look up, to see the work of my hands & know that I'm taking care of all things, taking care of you!!" I pray this gives you encouragement & most of all restores your hope!! I know that's just what it did for me.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jeremiah 33:14-16- "The days are coming,' declare The Lord,' when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel & Judah. In those days & at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David's line; he will do what is just & right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved & Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The Lord our Righteous Savior."....God said way back in the Old Testament that Jesus was coming. He told the signs to look for & He told how great it would be. And, of course, it happened just as He said!! Gods promises are true, they are constant, I think that's one of my favorite things about Gods word, in a world of busyness, of rushing, of just plain craziness, God is steady & constant. He doesn't change or "go w/ the flow" if He said it--then that's how it is!!! Steady & constant!!! So remember these things as you go through out your day. God sent His son to us-it's the best gift we could ever get and the best gift we could ever give to those around us...the knowledge of Him!!! Let's give that out today!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Since we're approaching the great birth of our Savior I thought I'd send some verses that get us ready for that day!!! I hope you all are able to read & just meditate on these for the next few weeks, putting yourself right there!! It's exciting. I pray you also get that same excitement that not only leads up to Christmas Day but goes way into the new year!!!! Have a great Monday. Isaiah 7:14- Therefore The Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive & give birth to a son, & will call him Immanuel. Okay side note for you: Immanuel means--God w/ us!! Is that not so exciting!!??!! God is w/ us--always-forever-never leaves us!!! What great & wonderful hope we have in Him. Let's rejoice in that hope & give it to all those around us. What a great way to live. Instead of spreading negativity--we're sharing our hope in our God. Now that is something worth giving & catching!!! :-))

Friday, December 2, 2016

I'm reading through Psalms. Just looking through & reading all these great verses, of how awesome our God is, of His great love for us, how He sustains us, watches over us, keeps us safe. He is amazing. Words cannot really say or explain just how truly great He is. I'm in awe. I read these words & I think, "Yes! God you are my good Shepherd! Your love is faithful, it endures forever!!" This is what I so need to hear. You know how you get something on your mind--well I'll just say this--one of my kids is not just on my mind, but heavy on my heart. I know that he's got to figure things out, I can't do it for him, although I want very bad do I want to!!! But just as God refines each of us, He is refining him also. He's taking the lump of coal & Hes so steadily working in him, to turn him into the diamond He desires for him to be. So I know this & I trust in this & as I read through these great verses I can see that God is doing what He needs to do. I am thankful. It's so weird, but I am thankful, thankful that I know God's got this, & worry doesn't need to be part of what I do, trust & faithfulness needs to be for front!! So for each of you I pray that no matter what you're going through or maybe someone close to you is going through, you'll find comfort in Gods word. You'll take refuge under His mighty wings, letting Him do what needs to be done, & then when this all over & we're on the other side, we will continue to rejoice for all that God has done. We will lift up our hands & offer praise to the One who sustains us!! How great & wonderful that is. I pray you find encouragement, as I have, through His words!!! Psalm 138:6-8- Though The Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly; though lofty; he sees them from afar. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; w/ your right hand you save me. The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

I love the verse that says "But Mary treasured up all these things & pondered them in her heart." (Luke 2:19) I feel like I can relate to Mary. 23 years ago today I became a mom for the 2nd time. This little baby boy came barreling into this world & hasn't stopped since. He couldn't be more opposite of Trevor if he tried. He's very social, he always has been, his mind is constantly on the move. I truly believe, had he struggled through school, they probably would've wanted him tested for ADHD & he probably would've passed that test w/ flying colors. I do believe he has one of the kindest hearts of any one around, his siblings might not always agree, lol. I remember 1 time when he was in the 6th grade & at a wrestling meet 1 of his teammates was going to wrestle a girl & he was beyond nervous. That is a lose-lose situation. So he's talking to Jake about it & Jake says, "let's go pray about it!!" So they did. They want beside the bleachers & Jake prayed for him. I didn't find out until the boys mom saw me out & was telling me all about it & how thankful she was for his kindness. Now I've had the opposite talks too, where Jake has had to be re-directed & have had teachers come down & say, "are you Jakes mom?" "No! No, I'm not her, but can get a message to her!" But even in those conversations, they usually had to do w/ his talking to much & trying to be funny, they would always say, "Jakes a good kid, but...." So today as I get to do just what Mary did & treasure these things, 23 years went waaay to fast, ponder them in my heart, I'm thankful for my little Jakey!! I'm thankful for the person he's becoming. I'm thankful that God is continuously working on him, molding him into who He wants him to be. I'm thankful that Jake knows he is a child of the King, even when he doesn't always walk in the way God has laid out for him, he comes back-he calms down & he listens. I'm glad to be his mom!! Thank you for letting me share these things that are on my heart today. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!