Friday, February 24, 2017

Psalm 118:24- This is the day The Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it....just a simple verse w/ a powerful message. God has given us this day, let's honor Him through out it!!! Happy Friday everyone :-))

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I was talking w/ a friend last nite. She had some stuff going on in her family & couldn't talk about anything till yesterday. She was asking for prayer. Of course, I will be praying for her family--in agreement w/ her. We started talking about Gods goodness, about how He always takes care of us, & about prayer. As we were talking this verse came to my mind; 1Thess 5:17- pray w/ out ceasing. That's what we need to do..pray always, pray continually, don't stop praying. Well what does that mean? Because we're not just always going to be able to pray & do nothing else. That would be great if that's all we had to do--but that's not reality. So to pray w/ out ceasing means to always be in awareness of God. To have the attitude of God being present w/ us at all times. To know that every situation, He is there & in control!! That to me is so very reassuring & hopeful. We've all got something that weighs on our hearts & minds, we bring it to God & pray & then we stay in the mind-set (praying w/ out ceasing) that Hes got this!! The outcome is going to be for our good & His glory. I love that--I love that, that kind of knowledge is God knowledge--trusting in Him!! So let's make sure we are following Gods word & doing just what it says..."praying continually" I know we'll be so glad we did!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

1John 4:16- And we know & rely on the love God has for us...A lot of things or even people aren't very reliable. They might not mean to be, but things happen & we end up feeling alone or left out, or even like we don't matter. But this verse takes on a whole new meaning when talking about relying on God. We can absolutely, w/ out a doubt, rely on His love for us!! If He says He's w/ us...He is!! Whatever it might be He says, we can always know that He will do exactly what He says He's going to do!!! So even though people can prove unreliable, God never is!! And it is always possible to know Him in deeper ways than what our human relationships give to us. We learn to rely on His love to stabilize the places we fall short, & we trust in the fact that God is doing new & wonderful things in us always!! Gods love is unfailing despite what we do or don't do--and we can take this verse, keep it close, & know...His love is completely reliable!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

It's Valentines Day--a day all about love!! Declaring it, sharing it, letting that certain person know that they are on your mind & in your heart. It can be mushy-gushy-& sometimes you may think, "oh geesh...give me a break!!" It's not that I don't like the day, I just can be a bit much. I want to know all the time..everyday...that I make Montes heart skip a beat. He's pretty good at letting me know that he likes me, but of course, he's a boy & so sometimes he says something or does something & I'm just like, "Realllly!!??" It passes & things are fine--but there are moments!! But you know w/ God there is never those moments!! His love is everyday--all day!! He tells us over & over how much He loves us. How He longs for us--desires our time. To talk or just to rest & renew ourselves in Him!! He let's us know we are beautiful--wonderfully created!! These are things that He tells us everyday!! He doesn't wait for a certain day, He let's us know always & I know I'm so glad He does!! So I thought Id pass on a few verses that remind us of His love & these are words that we can carry long past Valentines Day, we can take them w/ us always!!! Love you all & pray your day is a good one & always filled w/ love!! Song of Solomon 4:7- You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you. Romans 5:8- But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Eph 2:4&5- But b/c of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive w/Christ... 1John 3:1- How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God...

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Isn't it comforting to know all the different names of God? It so is for me, I know I've told you that before, but I guess I just can't say it enough!!! Just some of them....(I know--AGAIN!? Yes, again) our provider, God is w/ us, The Most High, God who hears, The Lord is my strength, & one of my new favorites--My Helper!!! I've been praying that for a girl I know, that she would know God as her Helper. She would embrace the way He comes along side her & provides fresh insights, encouragement, & a renewed strength. She, like all of us at one time or another, is just going through stuff that doesn't make sense, so it tends to bring out some anger & confusion, & sadness of not understanding the "why's" of it all. I didn't have a whole lot of words to give her, I mean I get it, I understand what she's going through but sometimes there's just not much to say, except, "hang in there, you'll get through this as long as you keep eyes & your heart fixed on the only One who can truly 'Fix' this!!" So my prayer for her has just been that she would know God as her "Helper". She would know He is faithful-reliable, firm, steady, & trustworthy!! That He nourishes us, props us up, & He supports us. I trust that she will, that God will turn this situation around & giver her His peace. She is His daughter, His sweet princess, & He of course takes care of His children--always. So if your having some trouble or someone you know is, remember that God is your Heloer!! Go to Him--seek Him--pray & trust in His sovereignty. He will always take care of us--always!! Psalm 69:16- Take care of me, for your mercy is so plentiful.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Gal 6:2- Carry each other's burden, & in this way you fulfill the law of Christ...this verse is such a great reminder of how we should treat each other. Putting other people before ourselves is important & it doesn't consist of letting people walk over us, or being a doormat. It's just that your mindful of others & their needs. You pray for them or w/ them. You give encouraging words. You help out. You look like Jesus to them. Some people have no idea who He is, how great if we can be that reflection of Him. It's not always easy, believe me I know it's not easy, especially when you work around a bunch of teenagers, but I think this verse says it all--"you will fulfill the law of Christ." So let's make sure we're all doing our part by "carrying" the burdens. I know, atleast our part of the world, will be a much better place!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Gal 6:9- Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up....this is one of my favorite verses!!! It was the 1st thing on my mind when my alarm went off this morning. The storm had me up most of the night & so when my alarm went off I was ready to give up. But God gave me this verse & I thought, "okay--I'm up & moving..sort of!" But beyond that, this verse reminds us of the hope we have through Jesus--if we keep going, we will reap a harvest!! That's exciting & encouraging & I pray it is for you also. We all have times when we do get tired & we want to quit, I know I have!! But remember this verse...take your time w/ God so He can revive & restore you & don't give up, knowing that if you don't, whatever it is your doing for God & working towards, He will bring it to full circle for your good & His glory!! That end result is always the best we can have!!!

Monday, February 6, 2017

As I write this I want you to know that the outcome of the Super Bowl really means nothing to me. I'm not a fan of either team. I only know the names of some of the Patriot players b/c of the things they've done--good & bad--and, well I don't know any of the Falcons players except I know they call the quarterback Matt Ryan, Mattyice, but I couldn't tell you why, so all that being said I'm just going to give my opinion on this game & take it just as it is--my opinion.....Falcons jump ahead--waaay ahead the score is 28-3, they start to get comfy, they start to think, "we've got this game in the bag!" I'm sure fans, from both sides, thought that too. I know Monte turned it to Americas Funniest Videos b/c he thought the Patriots lost it. Then all of a sudden, here come the Pats....well the rest, if your watching the news, is history. Tom Brady did what he does best--he, along w/ his teammates of course, won the game!! They came from that big of a deficit and won the ultimate football game 34-28. So how does or can this relate to our everyday lives??? I'm sure your wondering lol. Well I'm listening to the news, listening to Monte, & I thought, "the Falcons lost their guard!" And I think sometimes we do that too. We think we're doing great-everything is going just how we want it too & we start to ease up on our armor. We forget to put all the pieces on that protect us & before we know it...we're fumbling around, finding ourselves vulnerable to satans attacks. The good thing for us, that didn't happen for the Falcons, is that God gives us constant reminders to make sure we stay protected, stay victorious through Him, & I want to pass 1 of them on to you!!! Let's make sure as we go through out our day that we do exactly what this verse says--b/c through God & His word...we're guaranteed the Victory!!!!! 1Cor 16:13- Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Natalie has had this old table in her room for awhile, she used it for many different reasons, one of them being homework. I don't think it ever was really used for that b/c her homework is usually done in the living room. So she decided she didn't want it or need it in her room anymore. She said, "Mom do you want this table? You could paint it or if not, just get rid of it b/c I don't want it." I glanced at it & thought maybe I could paint it...then thought I didn't really know where I'd put it or what I would do w/ it, so it was on it's way out. So I went to put it outside & when I looked at it I was taken back. She had verses wrote all over it in different places. I said, "oh my gosh Natalie!! That is so awesome--you've got verses everywhere!!!" She said she had wrote them as a reminder or if she just wanted to see something good. We'll let me tell you this little table took on a whole new meaning for me. This was God speaking to my little girl. These were the words of our Creator reminding her of her worth in Him, of His love for her, & of the way in which He desires for her to walk in Him. So I'm sure you can guess, I couldn't get rid of that table!! It's in my room now, it's not serving any purpose right at the moment except to remind me that God has His hand on Natalie. I worry about her in ways that I've never worried about her brothers. I guess that's normal, she's my little girl, my side-kick, there's not to many places that I would go that she wouldn't have been to far behind me. Now she's becoming more independent. She's going to the edge of the nest, looking out & starting to flap those wings. It makes me nervous, it's bitter-sweet, but all in's good! It's what it's supposed to be. I go to that table & I get to see & know that God always has & always will have His hand on & over this girl. That she's gonna soar & fly & her dad & I will be able to watch & see what she's gonna do all because her Heavenly Fathers word is in her heart & mind deeply!!! What a praise!!! So here are a few of the verses she has on there. I pray they bring you encouragement, comfort & strength!!! Ex 18:11- I know that The Lord is greater than all other gods. Matthew 5:37- Let your "yes" be yes, & your "no" be no. James 1:19- Everyone should be quick to listen... Jer 29:11- "for I know the plans I have for you, "declares The Lord, "plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future."

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What I'm going to pass on today is in a book I'm reading. I thought it would be a good mid-week, little bit of encouragement. I know I sure needed it. Gray skies, Ringo sprayed by a skunk-had to give him a bath, he hated it!! I told him he's a lab, he supposed to like water, I think my list could go on & on but I'm not going to let it. Anyway, I hope this gives you encouragement just like it did to me!! And if you're a boy reading this--names are same, just in boy form ;-)) Today is a good day to let the names Jesus whispers over you sink in--deeply. Not the names the enemy has called you. Not the names people have called you. Not the names you have called yourself. Jesus is the only one who gets to have the final say on who you are. And He calls you....beautiful daughter--Holy, Forgiven--Precious in His sight--the one He died for--the one He loves--the one He has plans for--the one He treasures!!! Romans 8:38&39- I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from Gods love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from Gods love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below--indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.